Sunday, June 21, 2009

Wgtn utd Elite 0 v 2 U.S Newtown park 20th june 09 12.30pm

A superb first half football performance one of, if not the best we've had this season was backed up with a solid 2nd half display as the stallions claim all 3 points in a game they were determined not to lose.

Not the nicest of days to be playing footy but it is winter so we deal with it, cold southerlies with intermittent drizzly rain the wind blowing generally across the field coming towards the stands, with the temperature unlikely to have gotten to double figures.

Newtown park is quite nice, I've only ever been there too watch football, so to get the chance to play was a bit of a treat.

The teams went about warming up at respective ends,then began their team huddles, I missed the start of ours but can only think it went something like Rauru:"boy's sh!t Corey is in goal for christ sake lets keep 10 players behind the ball at all times and hope like hell we can get something on the counter attack" I wouldn't blame him really if that was the case the last two times I'd played keeper we lost 2-1.

There was a more serious note to the talk however the team was rocked with news Nick White is expecting to spend some time in hospital and will require a lengthy period of re cooperation.
It was good to catch up with him after the game,All the team wish him all the best and hope for a fast recovery.
You're expected to start the next season in C.M Nick so get a wriggle on mate.

I honestly don't know what the pregame plan was before,but It was at that part of the talk where we decided to have a right old go and get the win, it sounds a bit corny but the team wanted to put in a great performance for Nick.

With Elite kicking off playing right to left from the stand side of the field, it was the Stallions who started the brightest, we went on the attack right from the start and put Elite under pressure early.The ball being passed around from front to back through the midfield with ease, it was like we'd practiced all week or something, Joga Bonito.

Elite had the first real chance of the game about 10 mins in their striker went one on one with our keeper after Jason slipped over trying to to turn and defend, coming out to meet him on the tip of the 18 yard box I sprawled to smoother his shot which ricocheted off my knee and back into general play which we cleared up field, with that my confidence got a huge boost and seemed to ignite the team into playing even better because we went on to dominate the next 20 minutes or so, the usual shanked clearances or silly passes weren't so evident from U.S today.

1st Goal.

We had stopped an Elite attack and I threw the ball out left to Spencer, a combination of my throw being a bit short plus Spencer taking a bit of time to react and claim the ball almost caused U.S to turn over possession, however Spencer did well to get a pass away it found it's way too Rauru who went on a nice run down the left before breaking into the box and sending a delightful little cross to find Tristin Waiting to punch the ball into the net to give U.S a lead and to be fair more than deserved, some great interplay by U.S to open them up 1-0 20mins

The game continued and Elite we're having the jitters a bit you know when things just don't go right,shanked passes, bad first touches,50/50's going the other way, it was this and our good performance which lead U.S to carry on a good period of domination moving the ball nicely from back to front looking after the football and the shots started to come.
Lloyd was enjoying his first game back from injury and was our Paul Scholes in midfield solid as a rock and dangerous curling a shot aimed for the top left hand corner only for the keeper to claim the ball,Logan too having a few shots from around the top of the box as well

2nd goal.
Having been awarded a corner Paddy sent in a ball that looked to be curling with the wind into the top left hand corner, it went right past the keeper and just before dipping in a defender slipped the hands up and padded the ball out of play their ref was right there and rightfully awarded U.S a penalty.
Tristin offered to let paddy take which he turned down so Tristin dispatched the ball into the back of the net to give U.S a 2-0 lead 25mins

We had our first goal kick of the game after 30 mins (i think),it wasn't really a good idea for me to be taking the goal kicks, our first (my last) was a shocker for those who play golf my kick didn't even make the ladies tee, I stubbed the ball out of the 18 yard box luckily to Jason who managed to get rid of the ball and save me a fair amount of blushes not that I was blushing already.

Elite managed to get a couple of corners and did have some forays into our half but we were defending brilliantly today and nothing was going to get past any of U.S.
Joe was the first Stallion this season to get a yellow card, a Joey Barton like lung at the ball and an Elite player as the ball was going out, the Elite player took exception to Joe's style and some pushing and shoving ensued followed by a yellow card.
The half would end with Elite on attack and as the half came to a close they had a shot go across the face of our goal only for it to out for a goal kick.

2-0 Stallions Halftime

Everyone was happy with the way things we're going, we all recognised we would need to stay focused as Elite would come out firing.

2nd half

We never really let them near our goal in the 2nd half they did have their chances but rarely did I recall them getting into our goal box to get a decent shot on goal they had a few corners but we dealt with them well, there were a couple of keeping errors which were mopped up nicely by the defence and we were unlucky not to score more ourselves in the 2nd half but Elites defenders were holding firm at their end of the park.

Their best opportunity came late in the 2nd half a free kick awarded 20 yards out just to the left of centre field saw them have a go only for it to be tipped over the bar for a corner which was cleared well

There were some funny moments angry man awards for both teams Mike had a collision with an Elite player and as play continued the Elite player got up and did his best incredible Hulk impersonation and began charging down the field at Paddy screaming "COME ON THEN" Paddy quite rightly cleared the ball up field leaving the Hulk to have to turn and retreat to defend,funny as hell.

Then we had Paddy and an Elite player get tangled up just outside our box on the left hand side the Elite player reacted to something Paddy had done (later found out to be a case of grabbing his meat and vege) and kicked out at paddy who was down on the ground, Jase the mus then did his best bouncer in a bar improv and tackled the guy away which lead to everyone getting all close up shouting etc the ref gave U.S the free kick which was good of him, he was bloody good all game really I thought he ref'd quite well,we cleared and the game carried on.

The Stallions would on to win a hard fought but deserved win 2-0 only our 2nd clean sheet this season.

Stallions Corey,Joe,Jason,Paddy,Mike,Spencer,Ben H,Lloyd,Logan,Rauru,Tristin
Subs: Tangi,Graham,Panda

Goals:Tristin 20,25(p.k)


Ben Hodges said...

First goal

Spencer got the pass to me. I then cut a pass behind their defender to Rauru to run on to down the line

005 said...

Wow, it sounded like a totally different team, until ben's 'look at me, look at me' comment of desperation that is all too familiar.

Great effort Stallions, on Newtown Park to boot, and against Corey's favourite team - nice one!

Though if I never hear the words paddy and 'meat and vege' in the same sentence again I will be happy.

Right, the poll can be put to rest - we have turned this shit around. And best of all I can add another to the 'Fights' tally. Or is it two? Is it a fine for Joe featuring more in the fights than goals tally? Or is that to be praised?

Good stuff, probably the first time we have done the double on Elite.

Anonymous said...

in my defense, there was no pushing or shoving - just a verbal altercation and my yellow card was for 'carrying it on'. Rather miffed by that but in fairness, it was not the cleanest of challenges. So is that Jay 2 me 1? or has Jay scored a goal this season?


Jobbler said...

Fantastic result lad's. Lets turn this second half of the season around and dominate the remaining games.

I wish I was there with the camera, it would have been good to have a picture on the blog of one of U.S receiving a card.

Great effort U.S

Rauru said...

Yea, the card was pretty shit. Joe's tackle wasn't too good, but it wasn't too bad either. No damage done and the Joey Barton reference is probably a little tough. The other guy was the one that went on with it in my opinion but whatever. They're not reporting it so no harm done.