Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fines #1

Although the fines flew thick and fast the fine session (with one exception) was fairly calm.

Stallion - Gus (nice goal, another nice shot and some general good work)
Pony - Rauru (missed goal, claiming missed goal didn't happen, claiming missed goal shouldn't count as a missed goal, yelling at team mates that they "Know nothing about football).


3 - Tangi
2 - Paddy
1 - Mike

Tristin - having a negative impact
Rauru - Multiple fines for missed goal/s
Abusing finemaster and team mates
Multiple fines for trying to run the fine session
Gus - lame celebration
Hodges - 'midfield was exceptional'
Having Tangi clear the ball into Ben's back
Aaron - another angry at Tangi fine
Tangi - inability to talk in a non-angry voice
Everyone hates Tangi

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