Monday, June 22, 2009

Yes, i know - we shouldn't focus on goal scoring

But its so much fun ...

Last year the race for the Golden Boot was so close - didn't it go down to the final game? This year it seems a one horse race. You could argue that now we are playing 3 legit strikers the goals would be split - but that would not explain why Tristin is scoring as many as he did last year, almost twice as many as the other strikers combined. And, tell me if I'm wrong here, but he seems to get a lot less fines for missing shots. And he bleats less about 'assists' and not been provided with good ball (as long as its at his feet). I guess you can say the Titanic beats the Albatross beats the Ginga. Odd to think of Tristin as the hare, Rauru as the tortise and Gus as Eddie the Eel. All that fathering perhaps ...

Now, I'm not criticising the strikers here, far from it. In fact I want some odds. I think Rauru will take the Golden Boot. But the odds better be long. Any takers?

As for the plate non-strikers prize for most goals - its more interesting there, Ben H a nose (or rather a dirty, dirty shin) in front. Jason will be eyeing up Corey's most goals scored by a defender prize. Shortest odds - Tangihaere scoring the most Oggies.

Most of all, I would love to see the Butcher score his first goal for the Stallions. Imagine the less than Mike fines.

Damn shame we are not counting all missed goals this season so we can't do those graphs calculating goals scored vs goals missed. That was fun. Corey would surely have the best ratio.

And just so Tristin doesn't get all the glory - you might score most of the goals, but according to our current poll you don't score the best ones. Cue expected Stallions rushing to the poll to make sure mine is outvoted ... Although it sounds as though one of the goals from last week's game might force its way onto the list - you know - Rauru's much fined 'assist' finished by Tristin. I didn't see it. A contender?

Lots of goals to come in the rest of the season, much more to come both in terms of numbers and quality. Bring it on.

Perhaps a best tackle post needs to be next - Hello Joe. Though Mike's terrible chop in the box to bring the pen against Magpies was delicate to say the least.


Ben Hodges said...

No need to run stats on the poorest goal to shot ratios I'm surely in a different league to all you punks...

Rauru said...

It was a good team goal, probably the best team goal this season, but I would say would it would run 4th to the three currently getting votes.

As for the tackles, you missed a beauty from Mike on Saturday. What made it better was that in the fine session afterwards he tried to defend himself by saying "he didn't have the ball though" as if this was some sort of defence. Classic stuff.

Anonymous said...

As long as the goals go in and we win is the main thing, i am trying to get my assists up, but there always seems to be a toe in the way for me to get it to R or Gus, I am not happy with my ability to help my fellow strikers getting the ball in the net. I did enjoy LLoyds great passing to feet in the weekend, we played some great football and LLoyd had a big part of it, love it!

005 said...

Yep, for sure, just goofing off really. Especially since to claim a respectable 3rd we probably need to win all our remaining matches - hell, they are all teams we beat in the first round (though SV will be itching for revenge). And with Lloyd our odds get quite a lot better.

Anonymous said...

When can we answer this rant to have a whinge at the midfielders?

I demand equal rights to post my OWN rant!!

Not just make comments upon others!

005 said...

No, the midfield controls all.

Anonymous said...

stupid gays