Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Good fine session at the ground after the game. It was useful having a game going on in the background as those who got distracted didn't notice how big their fines got.

Stallion - Graeme (good all round game, but particularly for the two goal line clearances).
Pony - Jason (for the tackles, fisticuffs, and post-game attempts to shift the pony focus onto others).

MVP - 3 - Graeme
2 - Tristin
1 - Ben B


Tangi - $6.50 for second own goal of the season
Ben B - 'ugly ballerina' attempted save
Rauru - launching into a 10 minute talk on the history of male ballet in New Zealand
Gus - ginga imitation
Paddy - Yelling at Jason 'Don't chop him' (about the guy that walking through everyone to score their second).
Paddy - Claiming he hasn't scored because he hasn't got into scoring positions
Paddy - Getting into a scoring position and firing a very wide shot
Hodges - Having to have his Dad come and separate him from the man he was marking
Rauru - (re: above) "Is little Hodges coming out to play?"

Fine payments are also starting to drift in slowly. It'd be good if the people that haven't played anything put some money in in the next week or two. Otherwise it'll risk adding up to a big payment at the end of the year.


Ben Hodges said...

He had to separate the man marking me not the reverse - an important distinction.

StevieG said...

It doesn't pay to get too fired up in the get ponied for it.
Apparently we're a team of nice guys! :P

005 said...

Ha ha - I think we all admired you being fired up - it was just that pointing at your chin thing Clint Eastwood styles that had us laughing ...

StevieG said...

Cheers, it was Rocky Balboa actually... :)

purely belter said...

And in the green corner Jason "Float like a butterfly sting like a bee,you take the first punch" Aitofi

Nothing wrong with a bit of "enforcing" now and again Jase in fact more of it :p