Monday, June 8, 2009

University 2 v 1 U.S Nairnville park 6th June 2009 2.30pm

What a beautiful day for football it was on Saturday and for the first 45 minutes we were on fire, had a pretty good set up and scored a deserved goal, Logan scoring a ripper walking through a few of the opposition before burying it in the back of the net after 25 or so minutes.
We dominated most of the half although the other university team did have their chances too the most notable was when they cleared a corner and ran the length of the field only for the shot to hit the crossbar and then Brooks made this huge save as the ball was about to go in on our left hand upright he got a hand to it and forced it for a corner, nice one.

Our strikers were dancing around some of the defenders they had some pretty nice touches, turned a few inside out, but the almost open goal (only the keeper to beat) was just to much to contend with, if we played Gaelic football I'm sure we'd have scored shit loads of points but alas the aim of this game is to get the ball between the posts not send it way up over it.

The defenders well I think we held our own alright in the first half, had a few anxious moments but still we let ourselves down in the second half,just I dunno, shit really (me especially).

Maybe it was the state of the pitch on the turn around because things went pear shaped for U.S in the second half the 50/50 types of things weren't going our way, we seemed to get bogged down which isn't hard given the state of Nairnville park but everything changed, all for the benefit of University. fair play though they did play well.

Their goals
They scored both theirs in the 2nd half, the first has to rate the bullshitiest penalty decision since we got the last bullshit penalty decision against us when we played the magpies the other week Joe clearly got the ball from the striker who went down quicker than you could blink in the 18 yard box and their ref was waiting with his whistle for anything to gift them a goal as he pointed to the penalty spot, what a load of shit.

their 2nd was better though
We got pulled apart at the back after three of U.S went for the same guy outside the 18 yard box quite close to the left hand goal line a deflected clearance or pass I can't remember found it's way to another university player who crossed the ball and the free striker watched Mike pirouette around like a ballerina then he calmly headed the ball into the net,which they really couldn't believe because there was silence for about 3 -4 seconds while they comprehended the fact they had taken the lead from U.S.

We then spent 25 minutes running around in true stallions fashion, we tried ever so hard to get an equaliser but I think the opposition wanted it more, they held on and all the 50/50 stuff went their way in the end we couldn't get out of jail the University side going on to win 2-1

Stallions : Ben B,Corey,Jason,Patrick,Mike,Joe,Ben H,Aaron,Spencer,Logan,Rauru
Subs :Tangi,Tristin

Goals U.S Logan 25mins

So this is the third loss in a row, we have Karori Aces @ Kelburn park 12.30pm lets put a stop to this second half of the season slide we go on around this part of the season and lets get our act together and take all 3 points this weekend eh

1 comment:

energy24.7 said...

And I will be there for your game this week! Well, atleast the start of it. We're playing at 2:30pm for once so I figured I would check out the quality football being played on Kelburn. Unfortunately you guys are playing there, but it'll have to do!