Thursday, June 4, 2009

Too Many?

For the first time this season we may be required to ask people to sit out. With the possible return of Lloyd, and with Joe dropping fatherhood duties for the afternoon, only Graham has said he's unavailable which means we have 15 (if Lloyd plays). If Lloyd is gonna sit out another week then we will be fine as Tristin can only play second half, and even though we are the 'away' team they reffed last time so we should do it this time.

In case you do feel like you need a break though, here is the list of people and the weeks they did not play. Not sure about week 7 when Aaron did the match report so no team list available (thanks for always adding that Corey) but I remember we only had 2 subs so it must have been more than just Nick and Corey away. It was the game Aaron scored the winner from outside the box so if you dont remember it the chances are you weren't there (although having it told to you hundreds of times may have created a false memory).

Ben B 2
Corey 7, 9,
Tangihaere 2, 5,
Joe 8, 9
Panda 1, 3, 8
Mike 1, 2,
Graham 2, 4, 8,
Paddy 5, 6,
Ben H 2, 4,
Nick W 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9,
Aaron 2,
Spencer 2, 8, 9
Rauru 2, 8
Tristin 3, 4,
Logan 6,

Jason is the only person not to have missed a game, and Aaron, Ben B, and Logan have only missed one each. If we do have too many then it'd make sense to come from this bunch.


StevieG said...

yep, i'm happy to sit out this week

Robino said...

Hey guys. Does anyone know how many games are left to play this season. I've got this sinking feeling that I'm coming back to a finished season. I'll be pissed if that's the case.

005 said...

No idea Robin - but hey months in India is a pretty good tradeoff huh?

Those numbers even up Rauru? - let me know if someone else needs to drop off and gus and I can fight it out.

Rauru said...

Not even sure if Jason needs to yet. It's dependent on Lloyd really and I'm still waiting to hear.

Rauru said...

Rob, I make it that there are 5 rounds left of the regular season, then 4 rounds of the cup tournie. Should finish early August if no games get cancelled.

Rauru said...

Lloyd is still out for this week so with Graham out as well, Tristin only getting there in the second half and us needing to provide a ref, no one has to sit out, although we'll need a volunteer for a ref for each half. We can sort that out tomorrow though. See you at KP at 1:30 or Nairnville at 2.

Rauru said...

Panda has just pulled out too. He has to work. No one else pull out please! That gives us 14 (13 for the first half) and we have to ref.

005 said...

No Steve? Isn't Nick going to be on the sideline? Everyone trusts Nick - he's got that look about him.

Think they will be sorting out the away strips again? They picked them up specially last time.

Rauru said...

Yea, I'm assuming Steve will be wandering the sidelines and Nick is meant to be there so we'll be fine if we have to do it. I'll bring our yellow strip too just in case.

Paddy said...

Have spoken to one of the guys from the committee and the clubrooms will be open at KP at 1.30pm for us to pick up pour nets.