Friday, June 19, 2009

Post match drinks?

People keen for some beers after the game at the park? There must be a game after so we can sit up in the stands and do the fine session there if people are keen. Payment of the beers can come out of the fine money if this is ok with you Jason (Ben is away so you have say over it). Unless people are keen to do a fine session later involving the ABs?


StevieG said...

I'm all for it, who's got the money?

Ben Hodges said...

mmm not too heavy a drinking session though immediately after the game as it still will be pretty early in the day and people will need to drive places etc...

T said...

I'm kind of in 2 minds. Yes great to hang out. No too early in the day, and i've got to get prettied up to go to the AB game.

Paddy said...

Sounds great to me. I can walk home from there and am keen to be able to do a fine session for once!

Rauru said...

Sorted then. Wont be a massive fine session but I'll buy a couple of doz and those who can hang around all good. Ben B has the funds but if I buy it then that can be considered payment, unless someone else wants to volunteer who has some big debts? I only owe $3 or something although I'm sure that'll multiply a lot in the next couple of weeks.

In fact yea, if you haven't paid anything yet (or owe a lot) maybe someone else should buy them. Let me know.