Saturday, June 13, 2009

How could anyone get angry at him?

So cancellation saved me the inevitable angry at Tangi fine, but I'm working on it.

Anyho, I'm out of contact for week, so blog may go quiet with no reports/fines etc unless someone comes up with something to throw up.

Missing next weeks game too, so good luck. Redemption is just postponed for a week.


Rauru said...

That other guy in the photo is the dickhead that was standing in front of our free kick and was getting intimate with Hodges. Fine for Tangihaere for being a pussy around him and not smashing the shit out of him.

Aaron, make sure you get your shirt to someone too. Leave it in your letter box and I can pick it up at some stage if it's easiest.

005 said...

Umm ain't seen anyone, leaving first thing tomorow morn. Shirt left out by the back door of my house if anyone can be arsed.

BeShakey said...

I'm out next week too. Will drop the fine book, shirt, and gloves off in your mailbox sometime.

Rauru said...

My letter box?

T said...

That's an old photo - damn you cripple Jamie

T said...

I blame it on the socks - i was imitating the shop assistant who sold them to me

Rauru said...

More like "I just bought these socks this morning! Please dont get them dirty!!"