Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fines #2

Okay, most people managed to pay some of their fines last week (or had already paid some). People who haven't paid anything yet:

Lloyd (who owes the princely sum of $1.50)

This is how much people owe:

Gus - $39.00
Paddy - $23.50
Nick W - $21.00
Aaron - $18.50
Graeme - $21.00
Tangi - $18.50
Ben B - $26.00
Tristin - $34.00
Hodges - $18.50
Spencer - -$3.00
Corey - $34.50
Jason - $41.00
Joe - $39.50
Panda - $16.50
Rauru - $3.50
Mike B- $18.50
Lloyd - $1.50
Jamie - -$2.50

The fines are adding up pretty quickly, so people should pay some now if they can (particularly if they haven't paid anything yet). We've got a fair bit of money already, so what do people think of doing something before the cup starts?


Ben Hodges said...
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Ben Hodges said...

It would be interesting to see total fines as well as outstanding amounts

BeShakey said...

The total for the whole team is $572.00.

The totals for each individual:

Gus - $49.00
Paddy - $33.50
Nick W - $26.00
Aaron - $38.50
Graeme - $21.00
Tangi - $38.50
Ben B - $36.00
Tristan - $34.00
Hodges - $38.50
Spencer - $27.00
Corey - $34.50
Jason - $41.00
Joe - $39.50
Panda - $31.50
Rauru - $43.50
Mike B - $36.00
Lloyd - $1.50
Jamie - $2.50

Jamie - AKA Jobbler said...

Um, I'm interested to know how I owe money when I owed less than I paid. I gave Brooks $10 which should have put me in credit.

Ben Hodges said...


Rauru said...

It says you are in $2.50 credit on the actual blog, and that you have $2.50 total fines on the comments. If you paid $10 then you should be in $7.50 credit. Brooksy creaming some off the top is he?

Greevis said...

I'd like to know who decided to drop a couple of e's into my name.

- Graham

BeShakey said...

Jamie - The records say you put in $5. I'll go back and check how much is in the tin.

Graeeeeeme - sorry.

Gustona said...

50 doallars??

in 9 games!

It is becoming too expensive for me to play.

I've got a little baby to pay for in 4 months.

Stop the fining!!

Ben Hodges said...

Classic all these people starting to sound like me. How you all used to sneer...

energy24.7 said...

What? Is Vic pregnant Gus? Crazy.