Tuesday, June 16, 2009

CAPITAL FOOTBALL DRAW FOR 20/21 JUNE: (2:30pm unless stated)

University v Karori Magpies __ Nairnville 2 (12.30);
Karori Aces v Stokes Valley __ Ben Burn (12.30);
Wgtn United Elite v Uni Stallions __ Newtown (12.30);
Marist Cobras v Marist __ Kilbirnie (12.30)


Gustona said...

surely that is not the hallowed turf?

with the athletics track?

anyone link a map to it please??

Gustona said...

and while I'm here - who has rights to post a blog up here??

is it only a selcet few who control the spread of information on this sight??

smacks of propaganda informations control!!

Rauru said...

Very exclusive for non ginga's I'm afraid. So Aaron said at least. You want publishing rights, score more goals then he has.

And yes, it's the hallowed turf. Bring your 'A' game boys. We need this one.

purely belter said...

We should so do the whole Champions league thing,line up together shake hands ala our 1st team at Kelburn the other week,Would be hilarious,then thump Elite 5-0 ;)