Sunday, May 17, 2009

Spencer and Aaron 2, Stokes Valley 1, Nairnville Park, 16.05.09

Let's just start by saying this ain't going to be up to the standard of Corey's normal match report - I ain't got it in me. But the day didn't start well with Corey (Mr MVP points) having to pull out - hope things are getting better. Twas a bit of a blow considering we were taking on the top team who had only conceded 7 goals all season and were yet to taste bitter defeat.

The game (I think - could be well off target) played out pretty much like last week's effort against Elite, with the exception of changing gale force winds and bitterly cold showers. Stallions had the edge in a tightly contested first half, definitely dominating territory and making better opportunities. A couple of good chances - Logan rocketing in a shot which it looked like Rauru would get to off the rebound. But it was up to good old Smiling Assassin Spencer to break the deadlock about mid way through the half - a glorious lofted shot from about 35 meters that looked perfect the moment it left the boot, flew true, and dropped perfectly below the bar as the keeper's arms flailed in vain. Cue ecstatic celebrations and a lift for the rest of the half.

It wasn't all Stallions. Vegas had a couple of good chances - one well hit shot rebounded off the cross bar, and there was a moment of old skool Stallions madness in the box as about 4 or 5 players all tried and failed to clear the ball, shanks and miscues galore, but it was eventually cleared. Overall though, a great first half from the defence - Joe and Tangihaere especially throwing in some tough and needed tackles.

Half time, Stallions felt pretty good, but knew the changing wind was going to make the second half more difficult, that we traditionally tire pretty quick, and that Vegas were going to throw everything at us. Word was lets start hard and not lose our lead within 10 minutes like last week. Within about 10 minutes it was 1-1 due to an unfortunate own goal. Under the hammer since half time, Tangihaere went to make yet another big save, the ball rebounded of his boot straight into bottom left. Dumb luck - nothing either Tangihaere or Ben B could do - 1-1.

Funny moment. Tristin and I have been working on a new kick off tactic, worked well against Elite. Only difference then was that Rauru not Gus was involved. At half time we explained it carefully to Gus, he nodded approvingly (hell, all he had to do was tap it to Tristin). First time he just runs off with the ball himself, at the kick off after their goal he does something else weird and the ball ends up being booted straight into one of our own players. Benny Hill.

Game got pretty intense and scrappy from this point on. Vegas pretty much camped in our 3rd but struggling to attack the goal. Cue angry skins and gloves wearing striker to clean out Ben H with an ugly, ugly two footed, springs up tackle. Ben hobbles off, Paddy calls the Vegas player a cocksucker, gets shouldered by another player. Things getting heated. If anything it fires up the defence. A little while later after Paddy shields a ball over the line for a goal kick, skins/gloves man kicks out and takes Paddy's feet out. Stupid, pointless thing to do. Steve, knowing he needs to take control, sends him off - Stallions do the good sports thing and allow him to be subbed - just get the psycho off the pitch before he breaks someone's leg! Oh, almost forgot - after this incident (like 10 seconds after) Joe come storming in from the sideline and pushes the guy, potentially starting an all in brawl.

Start to regret that decision as psycho's replacement is a much, much better player who gives their attack more structure and we are under the hammer again.

I kind of forget what happened here to put us ahead. All I recall is standing outside the box with a tingling left boot, seeing their keeper in awe, while Loki and jamie went nuts on the sideline. A great moment sure, but also a heavily fined one. Fined for not delivering on the promised 'ride my stallion into the sunset shooting my six shooter' celebration, also fined for going instead for a Cantona 'I do this all the time, now come and admire my mad skillz' celebration.

The final 10 was pretty hard out defence all round, and some anxious moments. Both Paddy and Panda pretty much clearing off the line, panda with a huge header off a powerful shot. A bit of scrambling, the final whistle, celebrations.

That's 2 good wins in a row against teams above us on the table to put us into clear 3rd. Magpies destroyed Elite 8-0, a result we can look at two ways. Its good it gives us 3 points (and a decent goal diff) on Elite, but Magpies are looking pretty untouchable now - and will have to lose a few times in the second round to give anyone else a chance.

Stallion - Aaron
Pony - Tangihaere
3 - Joe
2 - Spencer
1 - Mike B

Disclaimer: None of this may actually have happened.


Jobbler said...

(Disclaimer: None of this may actually have happened.) Yeah you got that right Aaron, we almost fainted from shock.
Outside of that shocking moment, I think it was a game to be proud of, the last time they played the Stallions, they thumped us, this was a gr8 response from U.S
Well done Stallions!!

Paddy said...

Most of it happened but in a far different order than that reported! When the dude was sent off it was still 1-0 to us. They didn't equalise until about 15 to go and then you got the winner with about 4 left. Still time for Panda's vital block of that bullet of a shot in the last minute though.

Another awesome game from the Stallions and when was the last time we scored 2 goals that good?

The celebration for your goal also rivalled if not bettered the big gay love in after Joe's last minute screamer equaliser against Terrace at KP at 2 years ago...

005 said...

Damn, we got magpies this week - another tough one. A couple of absences as well if i recall - Rauru, Joe ...

Rauru said...

Damn it! I always seem to miss the magpies games! Will have to wait till the final of the cup competition...

Yea, Joe is away also but everyone else should be in so still a team more than capable of taking them out.

I'll send an email out latter in the week confirming numbers.

Rauru said...

And Aaron, for the stats of the season, you could have '1' (or at least 1/2) next to 'fights'. The semi melee surely counts!!

purely belter said...

I'm more than happy to fill in as striker for you Rauru ;)