Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Photographs - Flying Stallions

Jamie handed over a new disk of photos of our 09 season. 100s of images, and this is 'disk 1 of many'. Some classics. Might have to try to upload them all to flickr or something and save the highlights for here. Thanks Jamie.

Here is a small selection of flying stallions top start us off:


Ben Hodges said...

I look evil!

005 said...

Yeah, your photograph is great. That washed out colour, old strip - looks like some weird 70s thing. With extra evil.

Ben Hodges said...

Roy Keane might even think twice

Jobbler said...

Got a few more classics from saturday's win over S.V and thank god I didn't take any pictures of Aaron scoring a left footed top locker, I mean, come on, Aaron taking a shot and it goes in, really, surely there must have been a deflection that made it go towards the goal. Oh well, too bad never mind.