Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Elite Match report from a couple of weeks back


The expected complaining about the ref. Whatever.

And talk about 'their big old fashioned striker' who 'smashed a screamer from 25 yards'. A weird amalgam of Rauru and Tristin? I guess Tristin is more in that mould than rauru, but he smashed no screamer.

Here is a rather different talk - the Magpies dissecting their 8 goal hammering of Elite. Probably the refs fault ...


Ben Hodges said...

and he mistook me for a "striker". i guess with Gus only having one goal to his name this year...it is a reasonable assumption to make

Gustona said...

one goal - but in the finest yankee tradition, dozens of assists!!

StevieG said...

How can a 'actual' ref be parochial?! Sour grapes...

purely belter said...

ha ha ha and that's why I hate wgtn Elite,fucking gay cocks dominated the 1st 20 pfft we had more corners than them in the first twenty mins than they had all bloody game and the 1st goal was hardly from our first shot of the match

ha ha dominated

Rauru said...

Yea, the fact it took a week and a half to get posted (I have been looking almost every day) probably means their memory of it is a bit blurred. It was a screamer of a goal though ;)