Sunday, April 5, 2009

U.S 6v1 Marist Cobras Mirimar park #3 @ 2.30pm

Finally after 7 months hiatus the football season rolls around again and a first up trip too wind swept Mirimar park had the University Stallions taking on Marist Cobras.

A typical Wellington nor wester was blowing across the field on an other wise glorious day,as the two teams began going through their warm up routines (attempting to injure whoever is standing in the goal with wild shots from close range) thankfully(Aaron) no one was injured in the warm up process.

Overheard though whilst warming up was the opposition asking the kind of questions that could have you both worried for your safety and gleefully wondering how many goals you'll score today,the "what are the rules" questions.

With Marist kicking of on a hard but bobbly deck ,the wind blowing across from our right hand side, the game took a few minutes to settle down and after weathering a few attacking forays from a potantless Marist attack the Stallions began to find their football feet and began to dominate the game, there were missed passes and silly errors, but with good movement from both the left and right hand sides and good play through the centre of the park the stallions began attacking the Marist goal.

The first goal.
What started out as an attacking move down our right flank I somehow remember Logan and Joe being involved(I can't remember if it was from a corner but) the ball was delivered into the box and bounced up and over a few players Rauru being one of the tallest in the area I think manged to get a head to it somehow and put it into the left hand side of the goal to give the stallions a deserved 1-0 lead with 15Min's gone.

Kicking off the Marist side tried to push forward but a resilient defence coupled with good play from our midfielders had them stopped in their tracks,the stallions catching them out on counter attacks that had the Marist defenders stretched and all out of shape, allowing U.S to get into good positions to have shots on goal ,one from Logan curled agonisingly close to the top right hand corner only to go wide,more from Rauru as well unlucky not to find the net.

The 2nd goal.
Marist led an attack down our left flank which resulted in U.S getting a couple of throw ins one in our half, the second deep into their half.
After throwing the ball in i was given it back from Ben Hodges,about 20 yards or so out, still on the line I launched a high cross into the box(right foot and all!!) that curled with the wind and without touching anyone else went in the back of the net over the keepers head and flailing arms (my first goal for the stallions ever you little beauty) to make the score 2-0 after 25 minutes, so taken by the moment i subbed myself off and brought Spencer into the game.

Their Goal.
Kicking off again the Marist side kept on fighting and took us on down the right hand side, Joe who was in at rb was having a great game,not letting them get by at any stage through the game and was linking well with Aaron who was at rm.
Some where though there was a defensive mix up, Marist made an attacking foray and managed to get into the box where Ben Brooks was left with no choice but to take the attacker on, however the resultant foul left the ref with no option but to award them a penalty which was well taken and gave Marist a glimmer of hope that they were still in the game. 2-1 30 minutes gone.

Kicking off U.S went further on the attack and continued to dominate the majority of the play,
Rauru was found open just outside Marists 18 yard box after some clever link up play from Joe and Logan,Rauru turned on goal and took a shot which went wide, what didn't go wide was the cheap late rugby tackle the Marist defender pulled well after the shot was taken, which meant Rauru was forced (temporally) from the field with an ankle injury.

The game carried on with both sides beginning to have even amounts of possession,Marist made an attacking run which had them 4 on two with only Joe and Ben Brooks to beat thankfully Joe was able to snuff out the attack and managed to get a foot to the ball and clearing away any danger.

Halftime 2-1 to U.S

Kicking off with the wind now blowing across from left to right of U.S, We continued piling on the pressure stretching both the Marist midfield and defenders, it wasn't all our own way though Marist put up a good fight throughout the game and at times had some good passages of play through counter attacks which caused us enough concern at times, a cross into the box from the right hand side had U.S at 6's and 7's and only a clearing kick off the line saved U.S surrendering the lead.

The 3rd Goal.
A free kick was given to U.S 10 yards inside our half, centre of the field, Tangi stepped up and it was like the wind died as he sent the ball straight down the middle of the park a great ball into the box which found Tristin's head and a deft flick on had the ball going straight into the back of the net giving the stallions a 3-1 lead 55 minutes gone.

the 4th Goal
The game continued on with much twoing and froing the Stallions keen to keep their lead and Marist desperate to get another goal,Marist would try but no more goals would come instead it was the stallions as the half went on that would continue scoring a neat run of football had Rauru shooting on goal the keeper on able to parry the shot and Nick white was on hand to poke the goal int to back of the net to give US an unbeatable 4-1 lead 60minutes gone.

The 5th Goal
the 5th goal came in somewhat controversial circumstances, a throw in was given to U.S on the left hand side about ten yards in their half which Marist thought was theirs, they stood around as we took the throw, passed the ball and had Rauru running onto a deft through ball into the centre of the box, left with only the keeper to beat, Rauru coolly put it over the top of of a diving keeper and into the back of the net giving him a brace and the Stallions a 5-1 lead 75 minutes gone.

Having a lead like that allows players to get around the field and try a few things, Tangi had made a great run down the right flank and took the ball deep into Marist territory crossing a fabulous ball into the box only for Ben Hodges And paddy to collide with each other and a ball that needed tapping in to the back of the net flew high up over the goal and into private property some 30 yards behind the goal.

The 6th Goal. (Note this has been modified)
I didn't really see what happened with the final goal of the game but now after a memory jog I Do recall Ben Hodges reeling away in delight at scoring the last goal because then his dad turned to his mum who was minding the grand kids and said your boy scored a goal his Mum replied with "Bugger" (sorry Ben how dare I claim it as an own goal)

With only a few minutes left to play both sides attacked each other but in the end a dominate display from a Stallions side that can only get better as the season goes on

Stallions : Ben Brooks (Gk) Corey(Lb) Jason(Cb)Tangi(Cb)Joe(Rb)Paddy(Lm)Ben Hodges(CM)Nick W(Cm)Aaron(Rm)Logan(St)Rauru(St)
Subs: Graham, Tristin, Spencer

Next weekend Top of the table clash Stallions Vs Waterside Karori Magpies you all better be up for this game because it's going too be a big one
12.30 Nairnville park


energy24.7 said...

Top stuff fellas. Certainly the first thing I wondered after our game finished (we won 2-1 by the way).
Can't believe Nick White scored a fricken goal, let alone Corey bloody Bell tin arsing one!

005 said...

Nice match report Corey, dems a lot of goals to remember. i think Ben H might be a little hard done by through the own goal call though!

First fine session at the B&B went well - Ben B will chime in with a best fines report - classics from Ben H, Paddy and Graham to get the season started if I recall correctly ...

purely belter said...

Shit you right Aaron sorry I remember now I've modified the post

Sorry Ben

005 said...

That's Aaron for you, always looking out for Ben ...

Rauru said...

Oh man, and here I was thinking that's a damn funny way to describe Ben's goal. You could have at least left it up till he saw it just to get a reaction.

005 said...

There will be plenty of reaction from a certain someone when the fines come out. Those fines got all intergenerational!

005 said...

Talking about fines (still obviously struggling to give up the fm role), did we forget to fine Nick White for not celebrating after scoring his admittedly cheap and dirty goal. The last goal he scored years ago he did one of those flippy things that amazed everyone ...

Ben Hodges said...

I saw the bait but (unusally) didn't bite