Sunday, April 19, 2009

Marist 3 v 0 U.S Cobhampark 18th april 09 2.30pm

Marist enjoyed a Comfortable 3-0 win in beautiful conditions against a sorry structureless and ultimately embarrassing University stallions side.

The shenanigans started prior to kickoff, someone had no socks and needed to go buy a pair,someone left their boots at home (I mean FFS, forgot their fucking boots!!) and had to return to get them.

We warmed up with a penalty shootout comp and the opposition warms up with 4 corner passing drills and their two goalies(yes one in reserve) going through their own warm up as well.

When the game kicked off we started reenacting a scene from a Benny Hill comedy sketch the usual one where he runs around chasing shit knows what all over the house with the circus music playing and we were so good at it we did it for 90 friggin minutes !!!
That's the nice way of saying we were fucking shit from the start and it never got better.

Take nothing away from Marist they carved us up, had the defence all over the park while our midfield was none existent throughout the entire game, which gave our strikers no chance of getting forward enough to really attack Marist goal.
The two or so shoots we must have had all came from well outside the 18 yard box,while they had three or so open goals to aim for but for the bounce of the ball saving us serious blushes

Basics let us down in this game
Lack of talk at the back, no cohesion in the midfield, silly passes, just generally aimless football.
Which is why we all need to individually go away this week and think about how we can make it better, because we carry on playing like this were on a hiding to nothing, from the back to the front, we all need to take a bit of a look at ourselves.

This team this season has the best chance to win div7 we proved it against the Island bay side pre season, then Marist Cobras first game up, we are a good footballing side with good football skills lets not let yesterday become our footballing way

highlights were few but Brooks saving the penalty, plus the at times brilliant saves he made throughout the game kept us right in it, sorry we let you down at the back mate.

Lets put this game behind us and look to go on a run of victories, starting next week where we get our chance to redeem ourselves and punish the other University side in our comp with a hammering at Nairnville park.
The kickoff time is listed as 3pm due to it being Anzac day but do check the fixtures list in Thursday's Dompost

Starting team:
Ben Brooks,Joe,Patrick,Jason,Corey,Spencer,Ben H,Logan,Aaron,Rauru,Graham
Tangi,Mike B

marist 3


Paddy said...

Agree that we were unbelievably awful in the 2nd half but I thought we were ok in the first. We created some good chances, at least as many as they did.

Second half was a different story - we all talked a good game but didn't actually deliver anything...

Jobbler said...

Great blogging Corey, you pretty much summed it up. Frustrating being on the sideline watching the Stallions allow the little IRISH LEPRICORN and his team run rings around you all.
There was definately no structure to the Stallions, there seemed to be a lot of hoofing of the ball up field and praying that someone was able to get to it.
Something tells me that the yellow tops are not working for us. Bring back the green tops this weekend and show the other Uni team what being a Stallion is all about.

Ben Hodges said...

To be fair Patrick i can't even talk a good a game..

005 said...

Yep, well summed up Corey. Though it is fair to say that you were an exception to the general Stallion crapness. Was going to nominate that as the worst Stallions effort for a long, long time - but then remembered that final game of last season against Olympic. Possibly not so bad to have a wakeup call early in the season. I'm sure the other varsity team will feel out wrath on Saturday.

Rauru said...

That pretty much sums up the frustration that the team felt I'd say. It was decided that either Paddy or Tangihaere will always be playing in D at all times, for the communication and organisation side of things if nothing else. I agree with Corey in that our main play seems to be 'pump the ball up field and hope something happens'. While the through-ball is fine sometimes, it needs to be played on the ground by the midfield to be effective. For that to happen the ball needs to get to the feet of the midfield which just didn't happen on Saturday.

I still maintain that we need to move the ball quicker. We should be playing two touch football - one to control, one to pass. Unless you have the ball in open space in midfield or up front you shouldn't be running with the ball as it's too easy to shut the runner and support players down.

Finally, I think the midfield in both games I've played in have run too much. Sounds weird I know, but centre midfielders shouldn't be getting into the attacking box as when the ball gets cleared there is noone just outside the box to pick up the loose ball, except for their players who are able to counter-attack. Wingers should be running all day but I think we might try an attacking centre-mid and a holding centre-mid to sort out the holes that are on the field.

Anyway, let's try not to beat ourselves up too much. We dont train so we can't expect too much, but we all hate losing and know that we can play better then that so let's sort it out next week.

Ben Hodges said...


I do tend to get in to the box when the ball's wide, rightly or wrongly in the hope that i might be able to get the only part of my body that is vaguely useful (my head) on to the end of a cross. I wonder if this is not actually still a good thing to do. When the ball is running in the middle channel of the pitch if i am getting too far forward i am always happy to be told impolitely to get back.

I think when our attackers do get the ball they tend to try and turn and run ,...the problem with this is that more often than not they are closer to half way than the goal box and it is almost always impossible to get all the way to the goal box AND score from this far out.

Their tendancy to do this tells two stories 1) they get frustrated with the lack of possession in the middle third of the pitch and when they do manage to get the ball delivered to them they try and go all the way themselves and 2) they don't have the confidence that if they give it back to the midfeild turn and run that the ball will come back to them frequently enough.

I don't really know what the answer is other than a big skill injection. Perhaps as you say a deeper midfield may help us build a stronger platform in the middle of the pitch

Anyway its all the defence's fault...!