Tuesday, April 21, 2009


It was a fairly sombre fine session.

Pony - Mike, good game generally but the penalty decided it
Stallion - Me for the penalty save

MVP 3 - Corey
2 - Me
1 - Paddy

Best fines:

Gus - Claiming his lack of hygiene was really creative use of pheromones
Tangi - Flatulence (multiple fines)
Aaron - Yelling 'Now see some goals' when he went to striker
Laughed at by opposition (see above)
Hodges - Stevie Wonder and Forest Gump fines (not sure what they were for, maybe being blind and running round lots?)
Me - Not being able to say precedent in a way that didn't sound like president
Penalty save not being pretty enough
Charging out of the box to join the defensive line

There was also some controvery about the MVP points against Karori. Anyone that was played in that game want to discuss how they were allocated?


Rauru said...

Nothing like a funny fine session to get over a shitty loss.

Ben Hodges said...

I can't see what you are getting at-- i neither have a voice like velvet or a tendancy to wear beads in my hair. Stevie Wonder?!
Forrest Gump i get,- both him and i tend to make the right decisions.

StevieG said...

Myself and Joe were the only ones who attended the fines session after the Karori game and it was a landslide!! Paddy pipped us narrowly...

Controversy over!

005 said...

Ohhh, perhaps not Jason ...

And as for my fines, 'yelling' is perhaps a little strong, and the other team laughed at brilliant self-depricating humour not at my blatant lack of striker abilities! I was pretty funny, and strikerey.

As for Tangi's flatulence - yelling sums it up perfectly.

StevieG said...

As I understand it if you dont attend you don't get a vote? I asked if anyone was coming to the fines session...there were no other takers.

BeShakey said...

Thoughts anyone? There was talk at the fine session of fines for taking the fine book home and allocating the MVP points himself, particularly given that Jason and Joe got some of the MVP points themselves.
It certainly hasn't been in the Stallions tradition in the past for the finemaster to allocate the points if no one goes to drinks. Is this a new tradition, or should there be fines?

StevieG said...
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StevieG said...

Well how many do you need to have a fine session? The law is silent on that.
If anybody had a different opinion on the points they weren't there to voice it...

purely belter said...

Hang on,So between the two of you,you both thought you played better than anyone else with the exception of Patrick,pfft jog on. Both of you were culpable for their 2nd goal there's a shared pony award right there ;P

StevieG said...

Haha! Well that's not how we saw it at the fine session...we blamed the keeper for both goals!

purely belter said...

Yeah always blame the white guy from Porirua eh

005 said...

Strip those points, strip those points!

And Gus made a fair argument. He had to wear the embarrassing new headband (thank Karena for us Nick!)when he may not have been voted pony. A fair argument hat jamie deciding to come back on and screw his knee up further is more pony worthy than missing a pen. Nice to have a ginger wear it first up though.

Abuse of the system!

StevieG said...

Yeah Jamie was a Pony candidate, but playing through the pain barrier almost made him Stallion as well.


005 said...

Hey, you are the co-finemaster - its up to you. I'm much less concerned about the points than the abuse of power - especially after years of not abusing the system myself (well, not in such blatantly obvious ways ...)

I'm just jealous, all power to you.

StevieG said...

i'm not worried about the points, not keen on getting fined for trying to create some revenue though! :P

Anonymous said...

Come on now ladies, time to settle down and focus on this weeks game against University.