Saturday, May 31, 2008

What's In a Name?

I've been interested in anagrams ever since I discovered that one of my best friends could re-arrange the letters of her name to spell "Shat Anus". I decided to find out whether any of the Stallions' names were hiding something just as embarrassing, or concealing something that in some way reflected their footballing abilities. The results were uncanny, and very illuminating.

It turns out that Aaron Lister is one of those 'ornate liars' who twist the truth to suit themselves. Actually, this one wasn't a big shock - we all knew this anyway.

Patrick Sawyer was certainly involved in 'a wasp trickery' today when he fell over in a clean tackle, waited for the whistle, then picked up the ball with a grin. Further evidence that anagrams don't lie.

We all know that Gus was hung over during the game today, but it's better than being a "sober knob" like Ben Brooks.

Finally, the fact that Tangi Walker has been flying under the radar, too scared to reveal himself on the Stallions blog, leads me to the conclusion that he is in fact a 'rat weakling', and the letters of his name agree.

Team names don't lie either. Today we proved that the Stallions were 'still on as'. The Sealords, being above us on the table, will have felt like a 'sad loser' after drawing with us today.

Go, o stolid snarl-up! (proud Stallions)


Ben Hodges said...

Rob you stole my idea for a blog entry!

Perhaps i would turn your name Rob in to "Rob" - not so much an anagram as a truism.

I will just add that certainly the stallions have "slain lots" of teams this year.

Hodges "He's god"

005 said...

Weirdest post ever.

Is anyone else concerned that Robin is going slightly insane? In yesterday's post-game session he insisted that Graham should get a 'genetically inferior'fine.

005 said...

On the plus side at least Robin has probably attracted visitors to the blog - well, a certain type of visitor - those who do google searches on 'shat anus'.

Paddy said...

What's insane about suggesting Graham is gentically inferior?