Sunday, May 11, 2008

U.S 2 v 1 W/side Magpies Nairnville #2 10th may 08

Uni Stallions unbeaten run stretched to four games,grinding out a hard fought but scrappy 2-1 win over a very good waterside Karori side.

With weather suited to watching sport on the telly,a field beginning to look like an over sized pig pen.
the uni stallions went out a played what must be the hardest game of this season so far.

The rain had gone but the field was looking like becoming a mess, as the stallions kicked off and attempted to attack waterside out wide immediately,Karori showing they would be up for a challenge and defended well, generally attacking through the middle of the parks as opposed to the stallions attacking from out wide.

The game wasn't a highlights real in terms of entertaining football (although Jamie did video the game),but there were some real moments from both sides early on,quite a few attacking runs into the Karori box ending up out for goal kicks or cleared from danger early or sprawling saves from the keeper denying the stallions,Karori having probably the two best chances of the early stages of the first half,one chance came after their striker managed to get past Nick Goodall who'd slipped in the muddy conditions, only for the shot to go blazing over the bar.
the second required a great save from Ben Brooks who diving too his right took stopped an equally good strike.

The first goal came from a kick up field from Nick Goodall and ended up with Tristin worming his way through the 18 yard box past a couple of Karori defenders and popping the ball in the back of the net to take a deserved 1-0 lead into half time.

The second half began and Karori attacked with three and at times four up front determined to get the equalising goal,it would take 30 minutes for that too happen in the mean time shots were plentiful at the stallions end of the park,Karori peppering the goal with a flurry of attempts,one striking the bar only for the Karori striker to kick the ball out rather than head it into the open goal on the rebound,then there was the failed shout for a penalty which they really couldn't get over.
Karori's goal came from some good play on their part,a move starting on the left flank ended up with a cross finding an unmarked Karori striker who had no trouble sending the ball to the back of the net 1-1 after 75 minutes and probably a deserved score line.
No dropping of heads for the stallions,we seem to rise above that this season and we pressed forward in search of the winning goal,it would come late in the second half.

A shanked clearing kick gifting the stallions a corner late in the second half.
Nick Goodall then sent in a great curling ball to find the head of a towering Ben Hodges,who, had played brilliantly all game and deserved a goal for his performance, knocking the ball into the back of the net to make the score 2-1.
That seemed to leave Karori shell shocked and with time running out they were unable to grab an equaliser.

The stallions running out 2-1 winners.

Stallions team: Ben Brooks,Graham,Nick,Jason,Corey,Robin,Aaron,Ben Hodges,Tyrone(panda),Tristin,Logan sub Mike B
goals: Tristin 35mins,Ben Hodges 85mins
Karori 85 mins


005 said...

Yep, one of the Stallions best wins - to come back after the equaliser, hunting out and getting the winner was brilliant. And to score off 2 set pieces in one game, and to have them recorded by Jamie ...

One of the best thing - Hodges Appreciation week obviously had an effect - the sleeping giant was awoken - a huge game from Ben - not only the goal, and the flick that set up Tristin, but all round dominance around the park.

And with the top teams drawing, we only 1 point off top spot!

energy24.7 said...

A glorious performance again. We really are turning it up. It's amazing how much we dominate in the air!
That first goal was pretty wicked too, two flick ons from the goal kick, to Tristins feet and in - classy!
So how/when are we going to see this video.
And how'd the fines/awards go on Saturday?

005 said...

Will post awards etc tonight. I notice that neither you or corey have bragged about the win on the yellow fever forum yet. Whats up with that?

005 said...

Rauru didn't mention this in his post, but I quote from an email: 'I even gave a bit of a fist pump when I saw the result on Saturday morning!!

energy24.7 said...

I was hoping someone from their team would post something up but seeing as they haven't, I've just chucked a bit of bait up on the fever board, let's see if we get any bites...

005 said...

That's the spirit. They better not complain too much about Steve like they were during the game. Apart from the 1 instance where he got in way of the striker in the box there wasn't too much to cry about. If that guy was so good, why didn't he just curl it around Steve ah? I say good on Steve for been up with the play.

energy24.7 said...

Yeah that's the one thing I'm a bit embarrased about, but as I always say, they are welcome to provide their own ref and they never do.
If anything we should be dark over their handball in the box that would've allowed me to redeem myself with a perfectly taken penalty!

BeShakey said...

Hmmm, what to do with my week off. Well looking at soccer results has taken up a bit of time.

So how good is our defence? There are only 4 teams from Capital 1 to 14b that have conceded fewer goals than us (a few grades have played six games though). The best? 0 goals from 5 games way down in 14b. For the club we've even got a bit of a margin, the next best defence from a Uni team has conceded 7 goals from 5 games.

Attack? Well there are about 15 teams with more goals (don't know what happens in 14b but someone has 47 goals from 5 games and they aren't even coming first). For the club we're coming 5th equal, the leader is at 31 goals from 5 games.

purely belter said...

that's some serious train spotting !!

you should get out more ;)

energy24.7 said...

Cool, so who are you?

Rauru said...

I believe beshakey is the much changed Ben Brooks. From the sounds of it, it is now the opposition that have to worry about Ben, rather than the defence. Good to hear. And just incase there was any confusion about Aaron's comment, I did say 'fist pump' meaning to punch the air, not 'pump my fist' which could mean something entirely different. Stallions good results don't excite me that much...