Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Sat 10 May @ Nairnville, 2:30pm vs. Waterside Magpies

Pity about the weekend aye fellas, just when we were on a roll, but hopefully the break won’t have killed all momentum and we can pick up where we left off.

Big match up this weekend against Waterside Magpies who are right behind us on the table. We are ‘at home’ at Nairnville with a 2:30pm kick off.

Some bad news on the injury front – It looks like Jamie is going to be out for longer than expected, possibly even missing the whole season, so maybe need a re-think of your ‘pony of the year moment’ vote – this has gotta be worse than one (admittedly badly) muffed penalty!

This brings up the issue of trying to reimburse Jamie some (or all) of his fees, and we are still short one paying player too (plus Nick generously fully paid but won’t play the full season). So if any of you have someone that could possibly commit, get onto them, otherwise we may all just have to stump up another 10-20 bucks each I’m afraid. I’m especially looking at you guys, Jase and Tristin, to get convincing Paul (and even Panda?). Also Mike B if it looks like he is back and keen? There is still almost 80% of the season left so plenty of games to get into and be part of the Stallions as we claim the Div 7 crown! (And any money towards fees would be much appreciated)

Back to this weekend though, and unfortunately, Stallion from last game, Spencer is going to be away out of town (for a couple of games actually) but Joe should be back from injury and Ben H is back after they were both due to miss last weekend. So with the rest of us regulars, that gives us 12. Waiting to hear back about Paul and Panda and if someone wants to ask Mike B, whoever is back with a yes first (or commits to fees) will be in to take is to a max of 14.
How is your Pommy mate Peter, Ben B? Keen to have him back once he’s over his injury, especially if he’s keen to pay ;)

Get back to me ASAP if you have any recruits (for this weekend or otherwise).

We are on duty at the club rooms NEXT weekend (17 May) so we’ll use that as our first ‘compulsory’ fine session where there is a bit more of a hit for not attending, to try and encourage others to make an appearance and have their say, not just the few that currently dominate! It’d also be good to pay a visit to the Bull & Bear this weekend for those that can spare 30 minutes.

Okay, so be at Nairnville at 2pm, or KP at 1:30pm on Saturday and any extra cars to KP would be much appreciated.

Go the mighty Red Devils!



005 said...

Pony of the year poll now closed - PERMANENTLY!

Anonymous said...

oh man, you had me right up until you said "go the mighty red devils" ffs

energy24.7 said...

Poor you anon.

Good news - we have 2 more full timers! Panda and Mike B stepping into the breach.

Rauru said...

The return of the Butch!! Now there's a nag that I thought had been put out to pasture. You can lead a Stallion to the pitch, but you can't make him not score an own goal. Heh heh heh. Welcome back Mike.