Thursday, May 29, 2008

At the risk of sounding nerdy ...

Its not quite a tradition - but once the cricket stallions played a drunken game of risk at Graham's work - it was good, Graham lost - and we vowed to play again, regularly.

We never played again. But thanks to what George Bush calls the 'internets' , it has been recently discovered that a damn good, turn-based online version can be played - each turn notified by email - so you don't all sit around a computer for 5 hours, maybe do 1 or 2 turns a day. Takes about a minute each time. It is good times.

Anyways a stallions game is soon going to start with members from both codes - cricket vs football, and probably an individual deathmatch. A couple of people have pulled out, so if anyone is keen for a game send me an email and join the nerdy goodness. Surely a couple of you have dark risk pasts, or are keen to start a new nerdy past-time. It can only enhance the Stallions strategy.


Ben Hodges said...

....embarrassed silence...slight shuffling of feet...

005 said...

Well, not really - 2 games underway.