Monday, May 19, 2008

And i think to myself, what a wonderful game...

I went with my son to his Kindy today and saw a sight that chilled my blood.

I happened to have a camera with me and have captured the terrifying scene for you all to witness.

When you think about all the unspeakable and uncountable footballing horrors embodied in our single little pony “statuette”, can you even begin to fathom the catastrophic scale of this jumbled herd?

With a child’s innocence my son was able to play with the pile of ponies (see hand bottom right) but for me the sight will haunt my waking and sleeping moments forever. It almost felt like I had stumbled upon a war crime.


Rauru said...

Dude, you gotta get your kid outta there! If a kindy has been awarded that many ponies it can't be a good place to go!

005 said...

Great work Ben, and response Rauru!

This scene resembles the post match drinks session after the Stallions games against Stokes Valley last season.

energy24.7 said...

And why is your son 'playing' with ponies?

Ben Hodges said...

I am no child psychologist but i think he was playing with the ponies because he is a kid you moron

energy24.7 said...

oh my bad, i thought by son you meant he was a boy.

Ben Hodges said...

Nick you are living proof that Neanderthals can be bald.

energy24.7 said...

haha, steady on mate, just a probing little joke, no need to get all testy...

Ben Hodges said...

You ought to be careful using words like probing and testy[s]on an all male forum...

purely belter said...

next time your at "kindy" you should look for some shoes for our pony