Friday, May 2, 2008


May the 1st. A beautiful day in which the London Stallions touch rugby team was to unleash their ferocious skills on the poor unknowing opposition. The trainings had been had (more than the footballers can claim), the pony, stallion, pink headband and money tin had been bought, the fine book was empty and dieing to be filled, and the direction that this blog was to go in had been tentatively planned. My virgin, and probably only, blog was all set to describe the London Stallions debut game, filled with superlatives on how the team gelled together better than Jules' hair on a Saturday night, and scored more times than a hooker in Vegas. This was all undone though by the only power greater than the Stallions franchise - the London weather. Even as I sit here now, only a mere 80 minutes until the scheduled kickoff, the sun shines outside, but the gods seem to be against us and the rain over the past three days has meant the common is closed (yet somehow the other grounds around London remain open and those leagues are playing!). So as the London Stallions sit around in our stables, teased by the sunshine outside, the passion and anger build inside, waiting to be unleashed on the unsuspecting opposition next week. Until then...

1 comment:

005 said...

We'll kick the LS arse in a knife fight. Good to hear that the headband, pony, stallion etc have passed through as the essential element of Stallion's culture. Keep us updated with results and good fines. So is the soon arriving Jules getting an invite?