Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Elite Match Report

We may have a new most hated team, well an old, returning most hated team.

Here is Elite's match report where we are called 'ponies', 'geldings', with much talk about how we were 'castrated' - all in basically the same para they laugh off the handball/goal.

Anyways, here it is ... Hardly an enjoyable read following the earlier, much more positive assessments of Stallions08 from opposition teams.

Funny, for someone rated our best player by the opposition, Tristin isn't riding high in our votes for MVP! Just kidding - but a reminder that all votes need to be in by tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

well, we do ask for it with our name.

Ben Hodges said...

They didn't say Tristian though did they?! They just said the striker.
Maybe they are thinking of someone else...Me, Aaron, Patrick, Panda we all played striker I beleive. Perhaps if we narrowed it down by seeing which of the above players has the most bruises down their back subsequent to Saturday's game...

005 said...

Sorry, I thought he wrote 'the good striker'.

purely belter said...

LIMPED out kicking himself in the ankle,bullsh!t my leg's still blue from the challenge. can't wait for the reverse there going get fuked up ffs.

must write for the sun tabloid newspaper with crap like that

Paddy said...

Calling the ref "our 12th man", while honest, makes me sick!