Saturday, April 2, 2016

Final game of Div 4 vs Wainui, 2015

With 2 hours until kickoff of division 3 2016, it seems that in Injustice of 2015 has been served. Before continuing any further, it should be noted that this blog post has been done using voice to text software and so any mistakes and the writing at to be expected. The Injustice is that a memorable stallions hedrick has gone unrecorded. A certain centre back who was sitting on a doughnut of 0 goals for the season played in the final game of the season and a striking role. Those who will not present would not believe it Mister T Walker was not only capable, but actually managed to score $3 period each of the three goals was as man it was as and memorable as each other darn not have zero goes for the season played in the final game of the season and stroking roll. Those who would not present would not believe that Mr T work I was not only capable, but actually managed to score 3 goals. Each of the three girls was as mine it was a son memorable as each other and soulat. Probably the most funny and stallion like outcome of this game was the fact that despite a hattrick being scored the stallions still managed to go on and lose the game 4 3 2 1 of the bottom teams in the table. Again, the way in which those 4 goals were conceded is largely been lost to the memory of time, however it is fair to say bit each goal was as biggerstaff up as the one that preceded it. 3 of the girls or was it 2 were considered by the food's team Cuba who wouldn't have looked out of place in the stallions goal circa 2004 period the other one or two goals were conceded by the stallion stuffed choice goalkeeper who, along with his Bubblegum hamstrings, managed to break his hand on an opposing players he does in mean time to score yet somehow the referee pulled the gold back and disallowed it for foul play on the keeper. This is as close to a contender for stallions and ponies as we will possibly ever say. In summary, 3 goals were scored by Tony Heidi Emma records should show their period PS I think I have created the new way to write stallions blogs. Voice to text is the way of the future.!


005 said...

Yep, not many of our centrebacks have scored hedricks before - hell Messi hasn't even notched up one of those. As for those well known Stallions Tony, Heidi and Emma ...


T said...

jeessuss. That was painful to read - though at least it has been recorded for ever more. When I die i think this blog post should probably make up the majority of my obituary.
Tony, Heidi and Emma

Rauru said...

Just read it back myself for the first time. Man, painful alright! Maybe V-T isnt the way of the future.

Anonymous said...

Gotta change your accent Rauru.