Friday, April 29, 2016

Brooklyn double punch KOs stallies 4-1

We never did agree a pony in the collective post match sigh, although I did offer myself for an short lived attempt to go 'coast to coast' at 0-3 (my dark clouds brewing goalkeeping alter ego "Mr. Happy" was awoken from a long hibernation after we conceded those two quick goals. Sorry.) 

And while I was prepared to take pony at one point I'm now claiming an immunity idol after Lloydo and I endured the Brooklyn 'song' in the sheds. The only actual words I could make out were "Brooklyn bogans, Brooklyn bogans" and something that sounded strangely like 'tribal chant, tribal twats'. 

Maybe thats just mr happy talking again as the game was actually played in a pretty good spirit and there's no denying the better team won, even if some would argue the score was a little flattering for them. We were right in it at 0-1 at the break but the double punch inside the first five minutes of the restart did for us. The break was strangely scattered - lets get a good huddle on this week, collect and regroup to start strong second half.

Brooklyn's filthy language saw two of them booked for off the ball profanities. Just no place for that on the modern family friendly game. Especially as it clearly distracted the ref who somehow failed to book Paddy for bringing down my tackler (on must have been half way was it?) and the guy who did that 'from behind double raised foot scissor chop' on Kelland.

Speaking of whom, Kelland was my MOTM for energetic running and heaps of little moves to beat his man or create space when he received the ball. Rhune (sp? sorry!) also played really well at right back for half a hour shoring  up the fading defense and launching some threatening late on the day attacks with Paddy. Thanks fellas!

Personal highlight for me was watching Lloydo at full speed sprinting after a through ball with about 15 to go. He appeared to be outrunning his personal
sound barrier - leaning further and further backwards riding the bow wave which threatened to blow him backwards at any second. Keep it up boss.

Fantastic running to the end from Gus and Milky and we deserved our goal, if not a pen for that flop!

Their fourth goal (bouncing ball lob) was a direct result of me feeling very prone to another through ball and coming too far forward only to be caught in no mans land. One on ones from through balls seem so much more dangerous on a fast and true turf surface, making it harder to real guys in, and along the ground shooting is easier too with no boggles, so maybe worth thinking about defending deeper for both the line and the keeper on turf. Kelburn Park should slow things down a bit for us thus week though!

Lloydo for stallion for driving the family to Martinborough Sthen himself back for footie then back again. Apparently Briony was very understanding when he reminded her about football just as he left her in the 'rapa with four kids.

Bring on Petone. Great call from Aaron to recall our collective happy place, and tremendous discount liquor store find there from Heath.

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