Friday, April 22, 2016

Work life pony

There is, it seems, no place in the lofty heights of Capital 3 for the frivolity of a pink head band.

As an alternative punishment, I propose ponies must submit a photo of them in usual work attire, and a typical scene, appropriately accessorised.

And yes, this may affect pony nominations... Lloydo and Heath with the captains of industry, Rauru and Gus in front of a class of kids! DC advising Bill English on tax havens, Aaron beholding the Julian Dashper exhibit.. feel free to go full David Brent 100% dead pan..

Leading off with Pony Daycare

1 comment:

005 said...

That is a brilliant idea Dan - hilarious. Suddenly today's result takes on a different dimension.

Come on the Stallions - stop those Brooklyn boys from singing their Victory song!