Saturday, May 18, 2013

Khal Drogo finally defeated

Good win today against Wainui. Missing their talisman play-maker Bruno, the Undertakers roped in Khal Drogo to play in goal and f*ck was he good!

Nominations for Stallion / Pony? Hard to go past _that_ save from G-man, or pulling a hammy with literally the second kick of the game. Where was the pinkage this week - isn't that an automatic re-pony offense?

My nominations for MVP points (in no particular order) Tom, Carrick, Graham


tshanley14 said...

mvp - Graham, Tim, Heath

Paddy said...

Just to confuse things I'd say Carrick, Graham, Gerald. Gus should probably get 3 but is a ring-in eligible for points?

My thinking: Our guys up front were superb they way they held play up and brought the rest of the team into it - if Gus isn't eligible for points then Carrick must get some (and he scored); Graham didn't actually have that much to do but what a great save at 0-0, and also again just after we'd scored; Gerald turned up expecting just to watch and played 88 minutes with a sore groin - big effort.

Should point out that we've played 7 and won 6, despite what the stas box says. We are however, second! Damn those misses we've had and their impact on our GD!!

Rauru said...

At first I thought no to Graham since he was largely unemployed for most of the game, but then you think about MVP - Most Valuable Player - and it's undeniable that those saves were hugely valuable. They were huge both in the context of the game and in their ability (especially the first - that ball was swerving!). Stallion is a given, but there could be a strong argument for MVP points too.

I think Tom had a great game up and down the left, the defence moved the ball around like I've never seen before, Aaron in particular broke up the play really well and made some important challenges, Dan and Heath moved the ball well from CM and Gus and Carrick were good front men. You could put in a case for all 11 players TBH. My votes, in no particular order go to Gus, Aaron, Tom.

Having another think though, if Graham is going to get MVP points, then surely Tim should as well. His goal was as crucial as Graham's save (but screw that, Tim doesn't need any more points!)

T said...

In terms of contribution, other than Rauru ;), I can't think of anyone who didn't put their hand up. So I'll go with a completely arbitrary vote of Gerald (for putting in a full game on a dodgy leg), and the two wide midfielders - Tom and Paddy - them making themselves available and looking for the ball in space allowed us to stretch the play nicely. The strikers miss out because we only scored 2 despite our dominance and everyone else because someone has to.

005 said...

Yep, its tough. Gus was outstanding, and hadn't lost a beat - a small heard on the sidelines: 'I'm not getting long balls this season!', but as everyone has said, the whole team was good. Dan and Heath pretty much won every header in the centre of the park, Wainui were totally starved of ball off goal kicks etc, and the wide midfielders (without subs) ran themselves into the ground, ever expanding an already huge field. Then of course there are G's saves, and Tim's goal and all round play. And lets not forget Paddy's twin assists.

So its a roll of the dice for me really - Graham, Paddy, Logan.

Paddy said...

To be fair, I think my terrible efforts in front of goal in the first half, combined with my pony worthy dive should rule me out of any points!

005 said...

Ahh true, I had forgot about those misses and the dive (the later because I was in Chris's face demanding a pen). I humbly remove for nomination for paddy.

Unknown said...

Stallion moment has to be Graham. With not much to do all day but fetch Wainui's misses and yet he pulls out at least 2 ripper saves, slapping them over the crossbar - both goalies had Stallion written all over their performances.
I thought not having Lloyd was going to be tricky but the midfield was strong all day. Dan fitted in so well Lloyd might be looking at the pine next week. That said, Heath's dominance, distribution and linking play sees him up for some points if not the big 3.
Gerald, playing with a busted up groin, was storming up and down the left flank for 89 minutes including a 90m run or five, crossing for our strike force, and he constantly slurped up passes being ever available and calmly allowed us to distribute from the back with aplomb. He's got to be a candidate for MVP. It would have been a different game without him and I think we would have been up against the wall.
Paddy was in the same frame of mind as G and 2 lovely assists along with the assists that deserved goals makes him a worthy contender. Doubts about his character have appeared two weeks in a row now, a dodgy streak wth shifty behaviour makes him an entertaining bad boy.
Gus, arrivng expecting a cameo game yet thrust nto the show pony roll is also deserving yet its hard to look at the strikers and not think about Carrick's finish. Between the two of them they'd had every shot in the playbook rejected by the keeper yet a tricky little cheeky chip over Andre the Giant, inconceivable!
Everyone else put in solid performances with character, strength and work ethic. Thats how we starved them of ball and created so many chances. Tangi and Aaron kept their attack blunted and Tom was tireless.
On a better pitch playng like that we might start getting a crowd, though I saw a fair amount of cheering when Carrick scored.
My points opinion: Gerald (3), Heath (2), Paddy (1), Stallion G Mann (again), Pink Pony Walker for the 2nd time. Imagine his goal tally if he stayed on...just imagine

Rauru said...

Bad boy Paddy!!!! I've never used it, and it pains me to do it, but LOL!!!! Yep, a down right Eric Cantona that Paddy is!! So Tim's description of Paddy goes from a Hobbit to Willie Mason. Awesome. Can't wait to hear what's next.

Unknown said...

Willie Mason is a bit of a stretch...I would have gone for Frodo's good looks, with a streak of Kujo and 2 dashes of Luis Swarez. Paddy likes a bit of banter.. it keeps him sharp.
Every team needs someone with defensive bite if for no other reason than to compliment the big barkers of the team...and I know one of those at the back as it happens.
In other news, with the strikers shooting blanks the defenders had wondered when they might get a look in up and over halfway.