Thursday, May 9, 2013

Fantasy vs Rebels

As usual late and probably wrong.


Graham 60+, 1/2 D clean sheet, mf goal, 2bps 11

Tangihaere 60+, c/s 7
Paul 60+, c/s 7

Joe 60+, c/s 7

Paddy 60+, assist 5
Lloyd 60+, assist 5
Aaron 60+, c/s 7
Gerald 60+, goal, 1bp 7
Heath 60+, 2 goals 10

Bakkie 60+, 4 assists, 1 goal, 3bps 21
Rauru 60+, 2 goals 10

Bakkie  56
Rauru  43
Tim  42


Rauru said...

Aaron, you're a disgrace. How you are top of the fantasy league I'll never know. The amount of time you spend on it yet still don't know rules is shocking.

All midfielders need points for a clean sheet. Heath's goals and Gerald's as midfielders are worth 5 each.

Poor. If you win the $200 you should give me half as a punishment.

005 said...

Ahh of course, will change. Have been called worse things than a disgrace, today even!

Happy to hand over the reigns? Not as EPL fantasy champion of the world, but in dull old Stallions one.

WHEN I win that first prize I'm going to buy a full set of skins.

Good luck for today Stallions!