Sunday, April 28, 2013

From the Stallion's corner

Back to the club room for the first time in ages, plenty of banter around the awards for that game. Played out something like this:

Stallion: Bakkie, classy equalising goal - best we forget the celebration and those other couple of misses.

Pony: Talking about horrible misses, Gerald, how was that header? I'll let you describe it in the match report.

Other contenders:
- Bakkie (almost a stallion/pony doubleact - a donkey- wasn't that the celebration?) The main miss was that 2 x Stallions open goal - Bakkie in the centre, Gerald at the back post, but in went through both legs.  Somehow Bakkie managed to convince us that 1 or 2 other Stallions also missed it before him.
- Chris - Appeared stripped and ready, kicked a ball against a fence and decided the leg wasn't ready. That's fine, but to say: 'I didn't want to come on and then come off and get pony again.' Chris, you clearly haven't grasped the Stallion ethos yet - never show fear for the pony, it just brings it closer.  If Bakkie's miss wasn't so utterly crap you would have had the worst ratio of pony awards to gametime ever. Now that's quite something.
- Carrick - Its not often a striker has the keeper aim a goal kick straight at you, offering a free shot and then fall over without conceding. And then do it again, and again, and again?

3 - Tim - A straightout powerhouse of a game, dominated at the back, and got up for another goal. Its good to play next to Tim - not just because he does everything, its damn entertaining to hear all the incentive leveled at our strikers, and Paddy.
2 - Lloyd - Another dominating Lloyd game, we all expect nothing less. Extra points this week for having Demetri spending the whole game complaining 'Oh Lloyd ..' as he was tackled, and beaten, again.
1 - Tom - Continues his great start to the season. Run them ragged down the side, and a great, almost-winner shot at the end.



Paddy said...

If only it was "incentive" he hurls at me rather than the invective it actually is! Fully concur with the points - Tim was immense, dominated them and took the piss in equal measures. I thought Rauru had a great game too and could have had a couple of assists if we'd had our shooring boots on.

005 said...

Ha, damn autocorrect or crap spelling. Whatever words were uttered it was really the tone and spittle that gave it away ...