Sunday, April 21, 2013

Stallions vs Raiders

While resting up on the couch contemplating this match report I realised the upside to getting pony on an injury is you don’t need to worry about the headband next game.

That said, its good to see “taking it easy on the new guy” isn’t really in the Stallion’s culture.

From the sidelines this match was entertainment+, with 6 quality goals and the turf making fast-paced passing the go-to tactic. I understand the derby took on some special meaning after we were dominated by Raiders last year, and that they said as much in their match report. You can see they are a good outfit, but were soundly beaten on a day when nearly everything fell the Stallions way.  

Up 2 – Nil thanks to well taken goals by Bakkie and Rauru meant everyone was cautiously confident at the half. However the match generally resembled a rout in the second, with a neat left-footed finish from Tom, and Rauru completing his hat-trick with two fine headers that gave the keeper no chance.

A couple of goals from the opposition (including a cracking finish from a botched corner) blotted the copybook, but the truth is Raiders were never really in it once Bakkie made it 3 – 0. They more they pressed for goals the more exposed they were at the back, and our finishing was clinical on the night.

Standouts included:

Jason and Joe, who spent most of the match monstering their strikers and pressing them into making mistakes.

Lloyd, Paddy and Tom who effectively set out their stall in midfield and bullied Raiders playmakers out of the game.

And Bakkie and Rauru for doing the business upfront and making the most of opportunities provided by the rest of the team.

2 wins from 2, and 12 goals in the For column. Not a bad start in anyone’s book. 


(Eds note:  Chris asked me to proof read this to check the facts.  It was hard for him to remember who scored the goals and when due to the fact we scored so many.  I said the Stallions never let facts get in the way of a good story, but as we'll no doubt be showing this blog to our grandchildren in years to come to show how awesome we all were once upon a time, a few corrections.  Stallions up 2-0 through Bakkie and Tom.  Raiders pull one back before half time.  Second half me and Bakkie get goals before Raiders pull one back to make it 4-2, before I scored 2 more)


005 said...

Nice one Chris. Yep, playing nice with new stallions just isn't our way. At least on Saturday we had our first old skool Stallion getting the pony.

Unknown said...

Agreed, Stallions' literally apply insult to injury in a ruthlessly efficient manner (mostly I think it's a 'look-at-that-pony-candidate-over-there' deflection tactic), and this seems especially important for newcomers. Hope you're recovering well Chris, looking forward to seeing you back on the paddock soon!