Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Better get this post in this week (just in case) ...

I've talked about this on here before, but one more time won't hurt.

A great pre-season bet - Nick, full of hope in the Nix's form and exciting new signings, laid down the challenge - if the Nix won the A-league I would have to stop supporting the mighty Victory and become a season-ticket holder for the Nix (sounds like one of Morgan's stupid marketing campaigns ...). Couldn't believe that Nick accepted my return challenge - if the Victory win he returns to the Stallions. A huge call for the Vice President of a club to make (and here he is receiving a 'Good Sorts' award for all his volunteer work for the club.)

I'm from a long tradition of wrestling appreciation - where bets like retirement matches and masks vs hair matches are a source of pride and honour, and the loser (especially those who made the bet) must follow through - even more so with the Nix getting the old wooden spoon. I would have been in line to buy the season ticket the day after the final, honest.

So a couple of questions. After the Victory win the A-league, firstly:

- Do we even want Nick in this team? I mean we have come a long way since he was prancing around in the centre of defence (and do I have to bring up the 'I missed the penalty because the ball hit duck shit' moment?).

- Should the Stallions enforce this bet? As much as I would love to, even I might not be that much of a f**ker. So the question becomes - what is an alternative penalty for Nick?

We could look short term and demand some beers delivered for an upcoming game? Perhaps more long term - and say he must return to the Stallions within 3 years? or perhaps the humilation route - he must wear a pink pony headband/armband for every game this season (with photo evidence provided on the blog).

Any other ideas?

And Go the Victory!

Oh yeah, and just to show how annoying he is, from the tweet stream of Victory's last game. I guess supporting a team like the Nix you forget that teams can actually you know score goals and win games from bad positions.

5 Apr
how are your Melbourne bumboys going?
oh fuck. Ignore last tweet


Rauru said...

Haha, that's gold! I didn't see the second tweet from him. Funny shit.

Yea, I don't think we could enforce the bet. Nick has turned his back on the mighty Stallions and once he crosses to the dark side there's no turning back. I like the idea of beers at a game, more than once too. I like the idea of him having to wear a pink headband for the season too. Can you imagine that dome adorned with a pink headband? Classic.

purely belter said...

Make him do a nudey run.

Melbourne victory!!! FFs Aaron really. what sort of knife they give you this season ?

005 said...

Ancient Chinese proverb - better the sharp knife than the wooden spoon.

Missing us Corey?

energy24.7 said...

I really have nothing in response.

Except to say I still don't regret the bet. Better a loyal loser than a turn coat 'tard supporter.

Plus Victory still won't win the league so I haven't lost the bet yet. Even if I came nowhere near winning it either!

purely belter said...

Aaron - Am starting too but will roll along to a few games this year

Nick - Next season just like Liverpool fans say every year around October. if we can keep Cernak dump Leo ,Lochead and Lia. have Hernadez fire from the get go get another goal scoring striker (are there any left now days)we may actually do alright.