Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stallions and Sangham line Capital Football's pockets

The Stallions and Lower Hutt Sangham fought out a fairly even but bad tempered 1-1 draw at Kelburn Park.

Expecting to have 14 men I was gutted to be informed by Aaron's mate Tang that there would be no rolling subs as per a new Cap Football directive. This was followed by further advice that the Club would be fined for the lack of corner flags - apparently this is a FIFA directive, good to see their priorities are well and truly sorted. As it would turn out there would be plenty of further fines to come...

Alas the 14 men did not eventuate as Panda turned up and "didn't fancy playing", Spence was late as previously advised , and Graham ... more of that to come. Having only 11 men solved some selection dilemmas (not to mention the rolling subs issue) and we lined up in our new preferred 4-5-1 formation hoping to use the same formation as against the Accies to achieve the same result. Unfortunately KP was not quite Te Whaea, a fact which would trouble both sides.

The game started reasonably evenly with both sides struggling in the heavy conditions. The only real thing of note was the constant off the ball niggle from Sangham. Slowly Sangham began to get their passing game going and created some half chances well saved by Paul. The Stallions tended to favour the "quick" break with our clearest chance falling to giant Rob at the back post who closed his eyes and turtled a perfect cross from Tristin over the bar.

About 20 mins in Stallions took the lead. A 60m punt from Paul was mis-headered by a defender directly to me. Being old and slow there was no way I was going to try and run 40m, so spotting the Sangham 'keeper off his line I hit a speculator whcih looped over his head and in. Possible assist to Paul?

Both sides traded attacks for the rest of the half (occasionally on goal, and occasionally on each other) but Sangham's forays were superbly snuffed out by the outstanding Stallions back 4. Half time 1-0 Stallions. With Aaron leaving at half time for work, the recently arrived Spencer came on and Panda was ordered to kit up. No sign of Graham...

The second half largely degenerated into a running verbal battle between the sides with both skippers spoken to several times. Logan was booked for swearing as was Tristin although I'm not 100% certain for what (potentially for being shoved by an opponent). A couple of Sangham players were also booking leaving the Cap Football accountants rubbing their hands.

Lloyd was having a stormer in the middle and along with Logan combined to make some decent openings.

About 15 mins in I shot from the right hand touchline with the 'keeper only a couple of metres away from me hopelessly out of position. The vball curled, dipped, and landed flush on top of the crossbar and out for a goal kick. Tristin may have been in front of an open goal in the middle I'm told...

20 mins in and Stallions were awarded a penalty for another blatant handball. Logan stepped up and I'm told (I couldn't bear to watch) missed by about 15m. On the subject of handball, you'd think that a team who handled the ball so much would be better at throwing it in. There must have been at least 15 foul throws by Sangham.

80 mins Graham arrives.

A great save by Paul who tipped a shot onto the post kept it at 1-0 but the Stallions were starting to defend deeper and deeper and Sangham were having more of the ball. With 5 mins left they made the pressure count when an unmarke dplayer at the far post scored with a header from a corner. 1-1.

Stung into action the Stallions attacked with renewed vigour with decent chances falling to me, Rob, Panda, and Jason but Tang blew for full time and 2 points had been dropped. Or had they? I reckon it was a damned good point which keeps us right in the hunt, especially with Petone losing again.

All in all I think everybody had great games, and we were all completely shagged at full time. Special mentions to Mike who had a great game and lasted the full 90 despite barely playing all year, Tangi, Jason, Corey were outstanding, as was Paul, and Lloyd who played like it was 1996 all over again including a 360 degree turn.

Pony - Graham. I don't think a person has ever been pony when they don't actually play but getting the wrong time for kick off and turning up 10 mins before the end seals your fate. Logan thanks you... I would have aksed you to write the match report but that's pretty fruitless even when you've been at the game!

Very hard to call on the MVPs but my picks would be

Lloyd 3
Tangi 2
Anyone from Mike, Corey, Paul, Jason for 1


005 said...

Nice one Paddy, and you are being generous in not suggesting yourself for mvps - another huge game from what I saw- definitely time to update goal if the season poll. The fantasy point rules are rigid though, so sadly Paul, while that was a moment of magic there be no assist. Best non-assist of the season.

As for G-man, Damn G - you just can't avoid the pony this season - its getting farcical!

Two players booked - have we even faced this? Who pays - the players direct? Rough, especially when you get booked for getting pushed over (though its Tristin, so I expect there may have been more to it!). As for Logan - he deserves ti pay something for that pen. Remember Logan commenting on Rauru's missed pen a couple of weeks back: 'that was a shocker of a pen' - definitely not the worst of the season now!

Plenty of talking points if not points from the game.

005 said...

Oh yeah, and I meant to ask how the ligaments are Paddy? If there was a worse tackle on a Stallion poll that should would be a contender. Shocker. bet the Butch liked it!

Paddy said...

A bit fucked to be honest. Can't bend the knee today so will see a physio during the week. Not overly optimistic about the next 3-4 weeks...

R said...

Great report Graham, I mean Paddy. Like Aaron says, a lot of talking points. Sounds like there might need to be a letter written about the quality of reffing as well as the farsical rules that cap football seem intent of imposing on the lower grades? As for the yellow card fines, I'll find out more about how to pay them but your names will be immortalised on the cap football website!

As for the missed pen, at least mine was on target! Looks like we need that comp to work out our new taker.

The season begins now boys, promotion, even winning the grade, is ours I'd we want it. What's happening to Petone?!

Hairy said...

I wanted to take the pen, but Logan had this mean look on his face and wouldnt leave the spot, I even went to get the ball and line my self up, yes goals been low this season for me(lowest in memory) but I say it again I have never missed for the stallions from the spot and as a striker you want the ball, and now i am third in line? something doesnt seem right here. ha ha

Pepe said...

I wasn't planning on claiming an assist for the goal - from my vantage point it actually looked like a well-placed flick on from Tristin. Shows what I know.

Paddy said...

I did think I may have shafted Tristin on a possible assist but couldn't quite remember...

I haven't missed from the spot either Tris so maybe you're 4th in line.....

Pepe said...

And we thought we had it rough at KP - I see next week we are playing on that renounded carpet Happy Valley...

T said...

Think this game had to rank highest as "most goals missed", perhaps only the Marist game as competition?

Rauru said...

Get there early and Paddy and Tris (and anyone else who wants in) can have a shoot out to decide who's taking the pens. I'll even invite the Brazilian penality coach to give us some tips...

Dan said...

Good to see the blog firing up! I'm out again this weekend, but then should be in for rest of season. Guess that leaves Paul looking for a clean sheet and some long range assists to reel in Paddy for MVP stakes ;-) G Mann appears unassailable in the pony stakes!

Hairy said...

ha ha paddy, I was free in the box mate but you in your own words were going for the best double you have ever scored, i was screaming all alone after setting you away out wide and ended up on my knees wondering why o why didnt you sqaure it to me!! ha ha I can count about 5 times i was open and no one seems to see me any more? and then when panda does see me he gives a back pass to the keeper, classic play.

Paddy said...

Belive me we see you Tris, we just decide the percentage play is to shoot....

Rauru said...

I think every striker feels the same way as you Tris. We're always in better positions to score than the guy who just missed was in...

005 said...

Ah Hairy McLeary - what 6 seasons playing together and I've finally worked that sucker out.