Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ponies Galore

So not an eventful game in terms of goals scored, but plenty of pony worthy moments. Much discussion and laughter at the pub - none of the candidates there to defend themselves. It broke down a little like this:

Pony option 1:

Robin - think back a couple of seasons ago to the team's resident 'anti-footballer' - 3/4 length shorts, polyprops, a little mascara - this was a fashionable dandy who refused to look like a footballer. So imagine our surprise yesterday when Rob shows up with new boots (with fluro elements?) but most importantly - SKINS! Unbelievable - especially for a player who has fought uniform fines with pride for seasons. Spencer, whose skins have not been seen for ages and either packed away at the back of the closet or have been ritualistically sacrificed was seen to smile a little, knowing the abuse coming Rob's way.

Perhaps this wouldn't have been a problem if Skins promise to significantly improve performance proved true, probably not true in this case. They did seem to make Robin angry though and he seemed to spend most of the game yelling at other Skins-less Stallions.

Pony Option 2:
Six Second Corey - will go down as the only Div 6 ref to blow against a goalkeeper for the six second rule - even Tang would think, Damn, that guy's a stickler for the rules! Now the merits of the call were debated - most agree it was a good call, most extreme in the other direction was Dan who claimed to want to kick the freekick out (or did he just say that after it sailed wide?). It was less the call than Corey's defense of his right to make the call that make this pony worthy - never has a ref sworn quite as much and as loudly as this. None of those kids playing on the turf would have slept yet. One of those moments verging on the edge of being both stallion worthy and pony worthy.

Pony Option 3:
Joe's hammy has taken a while to recover, and man is he frustrated. After announcing his return this week, he goes for a gentle Friday evening jog to test it, and what happens - he rolls an ankle and can't play.  Unbelievably unlucky, but very, very pony-worthy. Someone was heard to mention 'Oh well, at least we managed to keep a clean sheet' - but that's just harsh so I ain't going to mention who said that.

Honourable mentions (what a crazy, crazy game):
  • Mike pulling a hammy getting out of bed
  • Logan been hit by a sniper on the grassy knoll - it wasn't an Achilles or Hammy as most often happens, but a headshot. After minutes of head grabbing, arms flailing, rolling around on his back, Logan calmly insisted that he didn't want to sub off.
  • Logan wrestling the ball on the ground and then some reason thinking he was awarded the freekick, passing to himself and dribbling away.
  • Logan having a big night, hung over, missed rides, had to have Dan turn away on the gorge to pick him up.
Put like that Logan might have got off lucky. In the end it was decided that Joe is clearly most deserving of the pony (for a start what Stallion has ever gone for a Friday night run?), but since we want a match report, it needs to pass to Corey. Possibly everybody was too scared of 'Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry' Skins Robin.

And in more positive news the backs were rewarded for a huge game. I forget who got Stallion - either Jason's flying header or Tangihaere's season saving goalline clearance. Big games both - also reflected in the mvps:
3 - Jason
2 - Tangihaere
1 - Rauru

Until next week ...

1 comment:

Robino said...

That's the great thing about being angry. People become afraid of you, and eventually leave you alone. I'm working on getting a vein to pop out of my forehead when someone gives me constructive feedback too.