Monday, July 25, 2011

One player who might get more ponies than G-Mann


Robino said...

That's hilarious! That bib one. Brilliant!!!

Gustona said...

What the hell was Totti thinking? or was he not thinking at all? Balotelli wasn't going anywhere...

purely belter said...

And he gets paid $80,000 pounds a week to kick a football.Christ he can't even grasp the simple basics of getting dressed every morning.Don't ask him where he parked his car either he wouldn't have a clue

Rauru said...

Obviously how much he is hated if a player is just going to kick the shit out of him!

005 said...

Damn, I've always loved Totti - this was brilliant (but in fairness could do without the racist tirade).

Rauru said...

Interesting read on Totti vs Balotelli and the Italian public's role in it all

purely belter said...

Totti is much more sexier than Balotelli it's not about colour it's all sex appeal.The ladies would love "a little bit of Totti" but no woman wants to be "balo the telli"
I'll get my coat ...

005 said...

An interesting other perspective on the backheel:

R said...

Agree with the comments on that page, the fact that Messi would probably never try that means that if he did for some reason people would probably be ok with it. If Ronaldo tried it people would think he's a bit of a dick but still recognise that he's got so much skill that he can afford to pull that sort of stuff off. Ronaldo has made his career out of successfully pulling that sort of stuff off and embarrassing players. He's also widely regarded as an amazing professional who works bloody hard. Balotelli has achieved NOTHING in comparison to those two and is in general a spoiled little kid who rates his ability waaaaaay too high.