Saturday, July 2, 2011

An epic victory

Well played Stallions - a good game plan, all round team performance, a moment of two of brilliance, and one of stallion-worthy skullduggery. The Accie curse broken. The return of Panda. But then the best news - other results have gone our way with the 3 teams above us all losing (how did Petone lose to Wainui?). We are now 3rd, only 2 points off the top, and 1 from the Accies in second.

Since we  had no drinks, thought I'd quickly note the awards, mainly so that the pony can get his match report thoughts gathered.
Stallion: Paddy - for the cheekiest free kick goal ever. That one is going to go down in Stallions-Accies lore.
Pony: Graham - the most ridiculous, loopy, saddest foul throw ever! That charge down the wing almost compensated, almost ...
And as for the person who suggested that Panda should get pony after his missed goal first game back shame on you!

I reckon we should hand over MVP points allocation to Nick G and/or Nick W- screw trying to get everyone's votes, but feel free to make your opinion known here if you think someone particularly deserves something.

Great game, so good not to play in mud. A season definer?

Hmm, who got the assist for Paddy's other goal? It went through a chain of great short passes, but not sure who got the final pass in.  Don't think Logan's goal had an assist attached.


Dan said...

Superb effort and result! Many solid performances and awesome effort and spirit. Most influential on result: Paddy, Paul, Nick, Lloyd, Logan.

Robino said...

I think that assist for Paddy's first goal was Lloyd. I remember because as I was running back to half way, Graham held his hand out to high-five Lloyd and I high-fived Graham against his will. Is that wrong?

Paddy said...

Agree I think it was lloydo. I heard you laughing about stealing a high 5 Rob and wondered what you were going on about!

MVP for me:
Nick 3 - outstanding
Lloydo 2 - if I had my shooting boots on he could have 3 or 4 asists!
Aaron / Dan / Jase - great games on D all of them.

Fantastic effort all round - let's not cock it up now by losing to soemone crap...

Panda said...

Top effort lads thanks for passing me the ball it felt great to be out there running around once again. We definitely deserved to win that game and break the accie sax curse.
I thought Paddy Gus and Paul played well although I do remember a botched goalkick by Paul (Not sure if pony worthy but a good laugh nonetheless)

Dan said...

Panda, great to have you playing!

He he, good call on Paul's "oh shit!" goal kick.

But that does also remind me that Panda's header from 1 yard may be a contender for Worst Miss..

Jobbler said...

What was the score? It isn't up on Capital Football yet

Jobbler said...

Its up there Nice work Stallions

005 said...

Lets not forget our potential man of the match T. Crossbar.

Cheers Jamie, how's that shoulder healing?

energy24.7 said...

Thanks for the game lads! Absolutely loved it. Great to be back with the Stallions - especially on a quality turf where we clearly shine!

Top players for me were Paul as he kept us in it at the start when we could've been 2 down within 10.
Paddy was quality - even if he didn't like to actually play a position - nice to see nothing's changed!
And Dan was everywhere. I lost count of the amount of times he tracked back and won the ball back for us.

Special mention for 'that run' by a rampaging G-mann and Panda for the brilliant defensive header to their 'keeper from 30 cm's out!

You boys have a quality team this year - I'm not surprised you're doing as well as you are. Now kick on and take the fucken thing!

005 said...

Ha, very funny Panda - G-Mann, if you had remembered Paul's 'Oh shit' goal-kick you might have avoided the pony.

Greevis said...

Good call Paddy, pity I was still getting my breath back from that run come the end of the game!

It was a fantastic game and I think kudos must go to the defence; it is fair to say the second successive game where I can not really remember a shot from within our penalty area. Stand up Butch, Jason, Goodall and Spencer.

Paddy said...

I've always been partial to the "floating" role. Or any fact any role that gives me no real accountability defensively....

Forgot to mention in my initial comment - surely Gus' goal is a contender for goal of the season?? Game changing "rip stitcher", to borrow from Hodges' vocabulary.

Panda said...

Yeah agree with you on Gus's goal it was a stunner. My miss was inexcusable an absolute shocker.
Dans cross deserved better, sorry bout the fantasy points too Dan.