Friday, July 29, 2011

Boring Fantasy vs Exciting Fantasy

Another game with minimal fantasy fun (except for Lloyd, who has had consecutive full bp hauls - first time that has happened this season - shines when no-one else does, well not counting his daughters ...)

Didn't play of course, so am just basing these points on the blog and what i heard, tell me if I'm wrong:

Paul 2 (+60) 2
Jason 2 (+60) 2
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 2bps 4

Corey 2 (+60) 2
Graham 2 (+60) 2
Lloyd 2 (+60), 3bps 5
Robin 2 (+60) 2
Logan 2 (+60) 2
Panda 2 (+60), 1bp 3
Rauru 2 (+60), 3 (1 assist) 5
Tristin 2 (+60), 4 (1 goal) 6
 The hole is where mike was, but since there are no stories of mega-chops I guess he didn't play.

Now, as I have slipped further down the fantasy table after a blistering start, I get to continue total domination in the EPL Fantasy Football - you have heard the story, 2 times, back to back Stallions champion, last season topped the Yellow Fever league - I'm a fully fledged f**en irresistable force. We need new meat, so sign up for the season and get amongst - . We have a few people in this team who rate their football brain, come on and bring it to the table.

This is how it will go:
I will get off to a flyer, everyone will complain that I have too much time on my hands to tinker with my team (probably true), Rauru will fail due to blind faith to the redshite, Lachlan will just make stupid calls - the gambler in him always looking for the next Blackpool star, Jason's a visionary and will make some great calls, but won't be able to do it week to week and yoyo up and down the table, Goodall will make all his selections drunk at 3am to no success (just like his dancing at that time of the night), Gus and Corey will just be crap, and as they drift down the table will claim to have lost interest and not look at the game anymore - as if you get kudos for quitting when you are losing. End of story - I will be triumphant again, unless someone else with half a brain signs up. Do it - a good way to kep the banter up during the off season - though last season the rest of these chumps shut up pretty quick.

Damn good fun.

Once you sign up the Stallions league code is - 90859-32396


StevieG said...

To be successful, you basically have to have no life and do little to no work during the week as you pour over football websites.

005 said...

Oh the pain of doing all of the above but still lose huh Jason? We should time limit it this season and have a no looking at websites rule - but that would rely on an honour system that isn't quite the stallies way. What about that draft idea we toyed with last season?Probably even more work.

Pepe said...

I'm a bit inclined to quibbe in that I think I made 3+ saves. On the other hand, I will have had to score a double hat-trick this weekend and keep a clean sheet to have any chance of running down Paddy's lead. So maybe I'll leave it.

Rauru said...

Yea, I'd back Paul on the 3+. Also Corey only managed 45 min.

Can we also have a rule that only Stallions are allowed in the Stallions league? All the randoms make the sledging a bit harder.

I like the draft rule for fantasy, at least for the first week (after that you can do what you like but it means using transfers up).

I'm all over it this year. Two years as a bridesmaid is enough. You've had your fun up the top Aaron, your reign is over.

005 said...

Some fighting talk - about time! Been thinking about draft but trouble is that it screws you for the other leagues - I have multiple titles to defend and can't be screwed having 2 teams. Have you looked at prices rauru - much harder this year, I reckon teams will be different. I bags VDV!

purely belter said...

I only played 35 minutes so knock me back on the points please and thank you

energy24.7 said...

Yep I'll kick out non-stallions.
I'm already loving the look of my team. It's a pity it means nothing. I won't be overseas for 9 weeks this season though so your reign will definitely be over Lister.