Sunday, July 31, 2011

Heard on the sidelines #719

"Watch your f$!#en mouth you f$@&en cat!" The referee lays down the law.

At least I think he said "cat", I can't remember. It definitely started with a 'c'...

Uni Stallions Vs Marist inter 30th July 2011

Uni Stallions and Marist Inter turned up to play football on a beautiful winters day.
On a Nairnville pitch that was in really good shape, considering it was the middle of winter.Having had 5 days of sunshine & wind to dry it out. it wasn't the best, but it had to do.
Both teams looked to play flowing football in an even game over the entire 90 minutes.The two teams huffed and puffed their way round the field, if there was a rule that we could put a goal on top of a goal we'd have scored 3 they'd have got 2 in the end no one could find the back of the net the game ending 0-0.

Ponies Galore

So not an eventful game in terms of goals scored, but plenty of pony worthy moments. Much discussion and laughter at the pub - none of the candidates there to defend themselves. It broke down a little like this:

Pony option 1:

Robin - think back a couple of seasons ago to the team's resident 'anti-footballer' - 3/4 length shorts, polyprops, a little mascara - this was a fashionable dandy who refused to look like a footballer. So imagine our surprise yesterday when Rob shows up with new boots (with fluro elements?) but most importantly - SKINS! Unbelievable - especially for a player who has fought uniform fines with pride for seasons. Spencer, whose skins have not been seen for ages and either packed away at the back of the closet or have been ritualistically sacrificed was seen to smile a little, knowing the abuse coming Rob's way.

Perhaps this wouldn't have been a problem if Skins promise to significantly improve performance proved true, probably not true in this case. They did seem to make Robin angry though and he seemed to spend most of the game yelling at other Skins-less Stallions.

Pony Option 2:
Six Second Corey - will go down as the only Div 6 ref to blow against a goalkeeper for the six second rule - even Tang would think, Damn, that guy's a stickler for the rules! Now the merits of the call were debated - most agree it was a good call, most extreme in the other direction was Dan who claimed to want to kick the freekick out (or did he just say that after it sailed wide?). It was less the call than Corey's defense of his right to make the call that make this pony worthy - never has a ref sworn quite as much and as loudly as this. None of those kids playing on the turf would have slept yet. One of those moments verging on the edge of being both stallion worthy and pony worthy.

Pony Option 3:
Joe's hammy has taken a while to recover, and man is he frustrated. After announcing his return this week, he goes for a gentle Friday evening jog to test it, and what happens - he rolls an ankle and can't play.  Unbelievably unlucky, but very, very pony-worthy. Someone was heard to mention 'Oh well, at least we managed to keep a clean sheet' - but that's just harsh so I ain't going to mention who said that.

Honourable mentions (what a crazy, crazy game):
  • Mike pulling a hammy getting out of bed
  • Logan been hit by a sniper on the grassy knoll - it wasn't an Achilles or Hammy as most often happens, but a headshot. After minutes of head grabbing, arms flailing, rolling around on his back, Logan calmly insisted that he didn't want to sub off.
  • Logan wrestling the ball on the ground and then some reason thinking he was awarded the freekick, passing to himself and dribbling away.
  • Logan having a big night, hung over, missed rides, had to have Dan turn away on the gorge to pick him up.
Put like that Logan might have got off lucky. In the end it was decided that Joe is clearly most deserving of the pony (for a start what Stallion has ever gone for a Friday night run?), but since we want a match report, it needs to pass to Corey. Possibly everybody was too scared of 'Don't make me angry, you won't like me when I'm angry' Skins Robin.

And in more positive news the backs were rewarded for a huge game. I forget who got Stallion - either Jason's flying header or Tangihaere's season saving goalline clearance. Big games both - also reflected in the mvps:
3 - Jason
2 - Tangihaere
1 - Rauru

Until next week ...

Missed opportunity...again

Uni Stallions 0 Marist Inter 0
North Wgtn Villa 1 Brooklyn Northern 0
Wainui Undertakers 4 Lower Hutt Sangham 1
Petone Chicago 1 North Wellington 3
Miramar Rangers 3 Uni Accies 5
Uni Accies 14 9 1 4 41 29 28
Petone Chicago 14 7 3 4 35 20 24
Uni Stallions 14 6 5 3 25 18 23
Brooklyn Northern 14 7 1 6 29 28 22
Lower Hutt Sangham 14 6 3 5 28 31 21
North Wellington 14 5 4 5 28 27 19
North Wgtn Villa 14 5 3 6 27 23 18
Miramar Rangers 13 4 3 6 35 42 15
Wainui Undertakers 14 5 0 9 21 36 15
Marist Inter 13 3 1 9 32 47 10

The wheels seem to be falling off Petone yet we are helping them out no end by dropping points as well. Seems like all the teams in the top half are struggling against teams in the bottom half, except for the Accies. Good to know that promotion is still there for us.

In news in other grades, the Raiders have been promoted as well from Div 7 so they will be in Div 6 next season, along with the unbeaten Wests team. Question is, will we be there playing them or will we be in Div 5?

Friday, July 29, 2011

Game on!

Cancellations are out. We are still on and the game before ours on Nairnville 1 has been cancelled. Sounds depressingly similar to last week....

Boring Fantasy vs Exciting Fantasy

Another game with minimal fantasy fun (except for Lloyd, who has had consecutive full bp hauls - first time that has happened this season - shines when no-one else does, well not counting his daughters ...)

Didn't play of course, so am just basing these points on the blog and what i heard, tell me if I'm wrong:

Paul 2 (+60) 2
Jason 2 (+60) 2
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 2bps 4

Corey 2 (+60) 2
Graham 2 (+60) 2
Lloyd 2 (+60), 3bps 5
Robin 2 (+60) 2
Logan 2 (+60) 2
Panda 2 (+60), 1bp 3
Rauru 2 (+60), 3 (1 assist) 5
Tristin 2 (+60), 4 (1 goal) 6
 The hole is where mike was, but since there are no stories of mega-chops I guess he didn't play.

Now, as I have slipped further down the fantasy table after a blistering start, I get to continue total domination in the EPL Fantasy Football - you have heard the story, 2 times, back to back Stallions champion, last season topped the Yellow Fever league - I'm a fully fledged f**en irresistable force. We need new meat, so sign up for the season and get amongst - . We have a few people in this team who rate their football brain, come on and bring it to the table.

This is how it will go:
I will get off to a flyer, everyone will complain that I have too much time on my hands to tinker with my team (probably true), Rauru will fail due to blind faith to the redshite, Lachlan will just make stupid calls - the gambler in him always looking for the next Blackpool star, Jason's a visionary and will make some great calls, but won't be able to do it week to week and yoyo up and down the table, Goodall will make all his selections drunk at 3am to no success (just like his dancing at that time of the night), Gus and Corey will just be crap, and as they drift down the table will claim to have lost interest and not look at the game anymore - as if you get kudos for quitting when you are losing. End of story - I will be triumphant again, unless someone else with half a brain signs up. Do it - a good way to kep the banter up during the off season - though last season the rest of these chumps shut up pretty quick.

Damn good fun.

Once you sign up the Stallions league code is - 90859-32396

Monday, July 25, 2011

One player who might get more ponies than G-Mann


I cracked myself up thinking of captions for this but they were way funnier in my head than out loud.

Somehow Nairnville 1 is still being used this season. Not only that, but there's a game being played on it before hand. Let's hope for a transfer...


Uni Stallions__Marist Inter__Nairnville 1 (2.30);

North Wgtn Villa__Brooklyn Northern__Alex Moore 2 (2.30);

Wainui Undertakers__Lower Hutt Sangham__Prouse 2 (2.30);

Petone Chicago__North Wellington__Petone 4 (12.30);

Miramar Rangers__Uni Accies__Miramar 2 (12.30);

And do you think this refers to Hodges football skills?

And speaking of Hodges, how goes life up the coast Ben? I see KCU are struggling to battle relegation in divs 1 and 3.

vs Brooklyn Northern at Happy Valley

Arriving at the ground to find thousands of seagulls hunting for cockabullies on the half-way mark did not bode well, and when we shooed them off and starting kicking a ball around I could have sworn they were laughing at us. I think one even said, through a beak-full of cockabully, "Are you stupid wankers seriously going to try to play football in conditions like this?" though that could have been the delirium of hypothermia already setting in after five minutes on the park.

Despite their better judgement, Paddy and Lachlan turned up to watch, and Marty and a mate of Panda's turned up to play. Foolishly, Lachie agreed to ref. Despite everyone's better judgement the game commenced, and the Stallions dominated early in the first half with the bitter wind at their backs. Despite stringing a few good attacking plays together, most coming through the middle of the park and involving Lloyd and Logan, we were guilty early on of taking shots from too far out, hoping to catch the keeper off-guard or drowning. None of these attempts troubled the keeper, and most were hopelessly but understandably off-target.

Having dominated early, Brooklyn began finding their stride, and played a nice short-passing game along the ground, setting up a few threatening counter-attacks. The Stallions defensive line was characteristically stoic and well-organised, managing to keep their heads and their feet despite the conditions, and dominating the ball in the air. At one time, Tangi picked up the ball in the Stallions box, calmly turned a Brooklyn player and went for a storming run down the right side, beating two other players on the way. The Stallions made a number of other promising breaks, and seemed likely to score in the first half, but a couple of off-sides (Tristan), a header that sailed over the bar off a superb corner kick (Corey's head, Logan's kick) and a number of speculative shots from far out saw us goalless through the first half. Brooklyn's forays were generally snuffed out without alarm until they finally scored on a counter-attack from a well-considered and well-directed shot from a sharpish angle. Jason lunged his head at it for a clearance but it was just out of reach, and it sailed across the goal into the left side of the net. 0-1 to Brooklyn, who seemed to be warming to the game.

After a bit more splish-splash, the half-time whistle blew and the Stallions met for a one-minute chat before realising that stopping running was potentially life-threatening and that play should resume immediately. It was then that Panda's mate (let's call him "Frosty") declared that his brain was freezing and that he needed to go sit in Panda's van with the heater on. Definitely the funniest sub-off of the season (he looked like a handy player actually - perhaps one to keep in touch with once his cerebellum has thawed). I was secretly jealous of Frosty's willingness to flee, and had dreamed about doing the same thing, but was afraid of being voted pony. Mmmm.

The second half, the Stallions playing into the Baltic southerly squall, brought a fair bit of drama, and play got noticeably more messy. Lloyd, however, got more Messi and seemed to be able to play his trademark beat-this-player, shame-that-player style. With others involved, the Stallions set up a number of good attacking chances, and a goal finally came when Rauru picked up a ball that got stuck in the bog and didn't arrive to the defence as expected. He beat a Brooklyn defender and managed to knock it through to Tristan who was all alone in the box in a good attacking (and on-side) position. Tristan doesn't miss from there, so it was 1-1.

We all know how these games go - a huge nuts here, a wind-up and air-ball there, a shout of "rrrRRAAOOWRRr!" from a frustrated winger, a heart-in-mouth moment when their goalie nearly dropped the ball over the goal line, a frenzied albatross from an outraged striker, gentle through-balls being carried over fences into freezing, swollen streams, pinecones being thrown to knock balls out of trees, supporters going home at half-time (am I right, Paddy?), the odd moment of weather-defying brilliance from the likes of Paul (whom I saw applying PVA to his gloves before the game) Lloyd, Logan, Tangi, Panda, Graham et al, shouts of encouragement from those with more flesh on their bones than me, keepers with tears of discomfort frozen in their eyes, headed clearances sailing just over the bar, and a grim mixture of regret and relief when the final whistle blows, the game having played out for a draw.

After sitting in the car with the heater on for half an hour, I was finally able to drive home. On the way I wondered, "Does pneumonia count as an injury?"

Transfer from the old email

Stallions, this is brilliant discussion ('Tristin hanging around the offside line like a trannie down Marion St'!), but keep it on the blog - that way it lasts forever, doesn't just get deleted - and we can laugh at our antics in future seasons ...

Sounds like a cold, wet one, sorry to have missed it (honestly).

Start communication:

Haha, yea that was a huge albatross after the back pass!  True, forgot about Tristin hanging around the offside line like a trannie down Marion St.

I also thought Paul, while not having to make too many saves (although there was one good one in the second half that was goal bound) did bloody well to not spil any pill.  Every time he came out the ball seemed to stick to the gloves which would have been bloody hard in those conditions.
As a virtual spectator - frozen into an ice-cube at times - I would offer these thoughts.  Lloyd as MVP without a doubt.  Particularly in the second half where he bossed the game, managed to break up numerous Brooklyn breaks as well as somehow finding Stallions with passes out of ankle-deep puddles.

Graeme for Stallion isn't a bad shout (coupled with some near-Pony moments) - I was especially fond of his nonchalant header from the penalty spot that flew about 10cm over my bar.  He then claimed he knew it was fine...  I didn't witness you getting nutsed Rob, but if it was in the second half and wasn't in the penalty area I wouldn't have stood a show of seeing it.  Gracious acceptance of the pony though.

Thanks again to Lachie for a champion effort, you certainly kept that seagulling Tristin in check - how many offsides was that?


Mmmmm. Would have got this email earlier if I wasn’t working late into the evening at school (cue the violins). Yeah, that was a HUGE nuts! I basically extended as far as any man should. A few other funny moments to mention: Tangi’s throw-in to his own feet (Lachie was kind enough to ignore it), Panda’s mate going off to sit in Panda’s van at half time because his brain was freezing (no joke!), Graham’s huge shout after kicking a ball out (anyone heard the word “rrrrrrRRRRRAAAAAAAAOOOOOWWWWWrrrr” before?) and Rauru’s huge gestures at Lachie when he thought there’d been a pass back (was anyone else desperately trying to recall what you should do for someone who was having a fit?). These were just funny moments, not pony moments, but worth mentioning.

Some potential Stallion moments:

Lachie agreeing to ref in the most miserable of conditions
Lloyd, for somehow being able to play the same way he does in dry conditions, beating players seemingly at will
Graham – for having an awesome, vocal, physical game. I remember heaps of good, strong plays – headers, steaming runs (that sounds foul), tackles etc. He’d be my first pick for Stallion.
Tangi’s storming run up the right in the first half, beating 3 players then selflessly passing the ball off before losing it.
Rauru – commitment to winning the ball, harrying the defense, and getting in their faces.

I don’t remember anyone else having weak games (though I can’t say I could see anything much), and am happy (in an appropriately humiliated way) to accept the pony. I played like a dog.

Yours earnestly,


So I'm gonna go out on a limb here and vote robin as the Pony and match report writer. There wasn't any obvious moments of pony-ness or anything much stallion worthy - just reasonably solid moments for most of the game. Sure, there were shanked passes and general moments of average-ness but Robin getting nutsed was pretty funny (although not easily remembered it seems - I'm sure Rob will remember it). I vote Rob because besides Graham (twice) he is the only person not to have written a match report when pony since paddy got in early when Rob was pony last. He's also on school hols so what else is he going to do? I think paddy and Corey should decide on MVP points since they watched the game from the sideline.

It was tough work out there boys but we have a good run in so promotion is still all on. Let's bring it next week.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Shocking weather for football fellas we're still in the hunt though 23.07.2011

Uni Accies 1 Petone Chicago 1
North Wellington 2 Wainui Undertakers 3
Lower Hutt Sangham 0 North Wgtn Villa 0
Brooklyn Northern 1 Uni Stallions 1
Marist Inter __ Miramar Rangers __Game Abandoned
                     P  W  D  L  GF  GA  Pts
Uni Accies            13  8  1  4  36  26  25
Petone Chicago 13 7 3 3 34 17 24
Uni Stallions 13 6 4 3 25 18 22
Brooklyn Northern 13 7 1 5 29 27 22
Lower Hutt Sangham 13 6 3 4 27 27 21
North Wellington 13 4 4 5 25 26 16
North Wgtn Villa 13 4 3 6 26 23 15
Miramar Rangers 12 4 3 5 32 37 15
Wainui Undertakers 13 4 0 9 17 35 12
Marist Inter 12 3 0 9 32 47 9

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fantasy Boredom

2nd week in a row of meager Fantasy hauls - at least we have Gus's 0 to cheer us up (Gus, since a few of us missed you pen, we would love a new post which anaylses your thinking, approach, and where it all went wrong - new rule - this should be mandatory for any missed pen or new entry into the worst miss poll. In fact any new entry into goal of the season should also be written up as a blog entry - a chance to talk it up a bit.)

Fantasy points vs Lower Hutt:
Since no-one suggested any other mvps I went with Paddy's suggestions, but gave him the 1 point (not that gaggle of defenders he suggested) - Paddy was clearly again the standout player.
Paul 2 (+60), 1 (+3 saves)
Tangihaere 2 (+60), 2bps
Spencer 2 (+60)
Jason 2 (+60)
Mike 2 (+60)
Corey 2 (+60)
Aaron 1 (-60)
Lloyd 2 (+60), 3bps
Paddy 2 (+60), 4 (1 goal), 1bp
Robin 2 (+60)
Logan 2 (+60), -2 (missed pen)
Tristin 2 (+60)
Panda 1 (-60)  

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stallions and Sangham line Capital Football's pockets

The Stallions and Lower Hutt Sangham fought out a fairly even but bad tempered 1-1 draw at Kelburn Park.

Expecting to have 14 men I was gutted to be informed by Aaron's mate Tang that there would be no rolling subs as per a new Cap Football directive. This was followed by further advice that the Club would be fined for the lack of corner flags - apparently this is a FIFA directive, good to see their priorities are well and truly sorted. As it would turn out there would be plenty of further fines to come...

Alas the 14 men did not eventuate as Panda turned up and "didn't fancy playing", Spence was late as previously advised , and Graham ... more of that to come. Having only 11 men solved some selection dilemmas (not to mention the rolling subs issue) and we lined up in our new preferred 4-5-1 formation hoping to use the same formation as against the Accies to achieve the same result. Unfortunately KP was not quite Te Whaea, a fact which would trouble both sides.

The game started reasonably evenly with both sides struggling in the heavy conditions. The only real thing of note was the constant off the ball niggle from Sangham. Slowly Sangham began to get their passing game going and created some half chances well saved by Paul. The Stallions tended to favour the "quick" break with our clearest chance falling to giant Rob at the back post who closed his eyes and turtled a perfect cross from Tristin over the bar.

About 20 mins in Stallions took the lead. A 60m punt from Paul was mis-headered by a defender directly to me. Being old and slow there was no way I was going to try and run 40m, so spotting the Sangham 'keeper off his line I hit a speculator whcih looped over his head and in. Possible assist to Paul?

Both sides traded attacks for the rest of the half (occasionally on goal, and occasionally on each other) but Sangham's forays were superbly snuffed out by the outstanding Stallions back 4. Half time 1-0 Stallions. With Aaron leaving at half time for work, the recently arrived Spencer came on and Panda was ordered to kit up. No sign of Graham...

The second half largely degenerated into a running verbal battle between the sides with both skippers spoken to several times. Logan was booked for swearing as was Tristin although I'm not 100% certain for what (potentially for being shoved by an opponent). A couple of Sangham players were also booking leaving the Cap Football accountants rubbing their hands.

Lloyd was having a stormer in the middle and along with Logan combined to make some decent openings.

About 15 mins in I shot from the right hand touchline with the 'keeper only a couple of metres away from me hopelessly out of position. The vball curled, dipped, and landed flush on top of the crossbar and out for a goal kick. Tristin may have been in front of an open goal in the middle I'm told...

20 mins in and Stallions were awarded a penalty for another blatant handball. Logan stepped up and I'm told (I couldn't bear to watch) missed by about 15m. On the subject of handball, you'd think that a team who handled the ball so much would be better at throwing it in. There must have been at least 15 foul throws by Sangham.

80 mins Graham arrives.

A great save by Paul who tipped a shot onto the post kept it at 1-0 but the Stallions were starting to defend deeper and deeper and Sangham were having more of the ball. With 5 mins left they made the pressure count when an unmarke dplayer at the far post scored with a header from a corner. 1-1.

Stung into action the Stallions attacked with renewed vigour with decent chances falling to me, Rob, Panda, and Jason but Tang blew for full time and 2 points had been dropped. Or had they? I reckon it was a damned good point which keeps us right in the hunt, especially with Petone losing again.

All in all I think everybody had great games, and we were all completely shagged at full time. Special mentions to Mike who had a great game and lasted the full 90 despite barely playing all year, Tangi, Jason, Corey were outstanding, as was Paul, and Lloyd who played like it was 1996 all over again including a 360 degree turn.

Pony - Graham. I don't think a person has ever been pony when they don't actually play but getting the wrong time for kick off and turning up 10 mins before the end seals your fate. Logan thanks you... I would have aksed you to write the match report but that's pretty fruitless even when you've been at the game!

Very hard to call on the MVPs but my picks would be

Lloyd 3
Tangi 2
Anyone from Mike, Corey, Paul, Jason for 1

Today's Results

Tough one today guys, I was really surprised to hear the result, was sure you were going to dominate and put a couple on them in that second half. Thought first half was a good effort in an absolute embarrassment of a ground.

In other Div 6 news Petone lose again, allowing the Accies to go top. All makes those dropped points today even harder to swallow - but we are still in this and can definitely finish in the top two.

Hope you sorted a pony. I want to see a match report.

Uni Stallions         1    Lower Hutt Sangham    1
Marist Inter          2    Brooklyn Northern     4
North Wgtn Villa      0    North Wellington      1
Wainui Undertakers    0    Uni Accies            3
Petone Chicago        0    Miramar Rangers       1
                       P  W  D  L  GF  GA  Pts
Uni Accies            12  8  0  4  35  25  24
Petone Chicago        12  7  2  3  33  16  23
Uni Stallions         12  6  3  3  24  17  21
Brooklyn Northern     12  7  0  5  28  26  21
Lower Hutt Sangham    12  6  2  4  27  27  20
North Wellington      12  4  4  4  23  23  16
Miramar Rangers       12  4  3  5  32  37  15
North Wgtn Villa      12  4  2  6  26  23  14
Marist Inter          12  3  0  9  32  47   9
Wainui Undertakers    12  3  0  9  14  33   9

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Less bamboozling Fantasy points vs Accies

Looks something like this:

Paul 2(+60), 1(3+saves) 2bps 5
Spencer 2 (+60) 2
Jason 2 (+60) 2
Graham 2 (+60) 2
Mike 1 (-60) 1
Aaron 2 (+60) 2
Dan 2 (+60) 2
Lloyd 2 (+60), 3 (1 assist), 1bp 6
Paddy 2 (+60), 8 (2 goals), 3 bps 13
Logan 2 (+60), 4 (goal) 6
Robin 2 (+60) 2
Panda 1 (-60) 1

Paddy's huge season reflected in his big lead in the overall standings:

Paddy 73
Paul 53
Dan 53
Tangihaere 47
Aaron 42
Logan 42
Jason 40
Rauru 37
Corey 34
Lloyd 34
Robin 32
Spencer 27
Graham 24
Tristin 23
Nick 17
Joe 13
Jamie 5
Mike 2
Panda 1

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Dealing to Nth Well's bambooziling play

So North Wellington next up, the one team whose formation totally flummoxed us the last time we played them, which is strange since they're 4th from bottom. Was the loss due to us as individuals playing poorly, them playing out of their skins, or did we not adjust to the opposition. It could have been any of those reasons but I’m just going to look at their tactics and what we can do in this game to address things if they play the same way.

In the last game there were two things that Nth Wellington did differently to other teams we’ve played. First was their formation which looked a lot like a 4-5-1 (see picture). They played with a lone striker who mostly looked for ball at feet or over the top – even though he was an old guy he had enough pace to get to the ball first and was excellent at holding it up and waiting for support. Their wide midfielders tended to stay very wide and pretty deep, rarely pushing past the striker or looking to get behind the defence. They also had three central midfielders, one attacking, one holding and one “normal” centre-mid. The second thing Nth Well did is they were a passing team and mostly to feet, this was especially obvious with their left and right backs who were often used to switch play and had fairly handy control and distribution.

So what could we do differently if things play the same way? First we need to dominate the lone striker. In the last game we took him too lightly, he was old and small and we thought he wouldn’t be a threat – we were wrong. If we neutralise him they won’t have any platform to attack. Second we need to push our wide defenders forward onto their midfielders and wide midfielders onto their defenders. This way we give them less time to distribute which they did very effectively last time. To balance this we need to drop centrally. A holding centre-mid needs to watch for breaks through the middle and stop the ACM getting the ball. This will probably mean only playing 1 striker so we can go 3v3 in centre-mid.

If we did this we’d probably look something like this (see right). I’ve taken out the other 2 centre-mid in both teams so other player positioning and defensive responsibilities can be more easily seen.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

An epic victory

Well played Stallions - a good game plan, all round team performance, a moment of two of brilliance, and one of stallion-worthy skullduggery. The Accie curse broken. The return of Panda. But then the best news - other results have gone our way with the 3 teams above us all losing (how did Petone lose to Wainui?). We are now 3rd, only 2 points off the top, and 1 from the Accies in second.

Since we  had no drinks, thought I'd quickly note the awards, mainly so that the pony can get his match report thoughts gathered.
Stallion: Paddy - for the cheekiest free kick goal ever. That one is going to go down in Stallions-Accies lore.
Pony: Graham - the most ridiculous, loopy, saddest foul throw ever! That charge down the wing almost compensated, almost ...
And as for the person who suggested that Panda should get pony after his missed goal first game back shame on you!

I reckon we should hand over MVP points allocation to Nick G and/or Nick W- screw trying to get everyone's votes, but feel free to make your opinion known here if you think someone particularly deserves something.

Great game, so good not to play in mud. A season definer?

Hmm, who got the assist for Paddy's other goal? It went through a chain of great short passes, but not sure who got the final pass in.  Don't think Logan's goal had an assist attached.

Odd results today

Bottom of the table beats top of the table 1-0, whats up with that? And Marist (9th) beating Lower Hutt (3rd) 5-2

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fire up for the Accies

Match preview:

Accies fear the Stallions. Sure, they have never lost a game to them, but during their hardest moments of weekly training and intense pre-match drills they wonder what it would be like to be 10-15 years older, but still playing at the top level of Cap 6. They wish they could have their Thursday nights free of training, rock up 10 minutes before the game starts and maybe have a penalty shootout as warmup. They look to the Stallions' enthusiatic crowd of under 5's and ask: "Who is cheering for me? Who loves the Accies?" No one loves the Accies, not even all those Accies who have requested a Stallions transfer. 

On Saturday at Te Whaea, the Accies will face their future, and their doom.
Should we have added anything else?