Thursday, August 12, 2010

Slipped one past the keeper

Like Hodges at his best, he managed to slip this comment past us without much fuss or anyone noticing...much like his goals really. It was one of the comments that came from the July 17th post and I was only allerted to it from a Facebook comment that he posted on my page in response to our promotion announcement.

"If i was to be positive i'd say well done on your position going into the last round. If i was to be negative i'd say being second in the league having non wins outweigh wins is a f*cken joke.

Yes inexplicable that you guys should be doing so well without me. All i can think of is that without me the opposition have been more relaxed - too relaxed and have not realised that whilst i was an outstanding talent the rest of the stallions were potentially Division sixers.

Good luck for the weekend i predict a dramatic 3-2 loss after leading 2 nil at half time.

Our season started later than yours so i'll be playing not watching this weekend. Plenty of space on the sidelines of Weka Park for anyone to come up in the next few weeks and watch..."

When you say there's plenty of space on the sidelines, you dont happen to mean your left hand sideline do you? There always seemed to be quite a bit of space at Nairnville too... ;)

1 comment:

005 said...

Ha, yeah good point Rauru.

It is our first season without Ben, but is also our first season without fines or the headband - could this explain our success? A greater team spirit, less dissent, less worrying about the wallet etc? Nah, we have just clearly got rid of the dead weight. Lets duke it out at end of season paintball - oh no, I don't want to get dirty and would need a shower.