Sunday, August 1, 2010

Fantasy Points vs Killer Bees

Photo: Paddy powers another shot into the Killer Bees goal, surrounded by a rainbow of fantasy points.

Brilliant effort Stallions, points/awards end up like this:

Stallion: Aaron (headed clearance from the goal line - yep, this award sure makes up for the concussion)
Pony: Jason (Second game in a row gets caught out playing the beautiful game from the back)

3 - Paddy, huge game, especially up front in the second half which turned the game our way. Great hustle, perfect runs, but some of those shots were truly pathetic.
2 - Tangihaere - followed up last performance with another barnstorming game, scored the winner (its been a while between drinks here huh Tangihaere? When did you last score?)
1 - Panda, dominated up front in that second half, great goal, bonus points for charging onto the field as a sub when there was the sniff of a melee.

Fantasy points:
Paul 3 (+60, +3 saves)
Tangihaere 10 (+60, defenders goal, 2 mvps)
Aaron 5 (+60, 1 assist)
Paddy 8 (+60, 1 assist, 3 mvps)
Panda 7 (+60, 1 forwards goal, 1 mvp)
Everyone else, the big 2

Paddy's opening up a bit of a gap on the old leaderboard:
Paddy 61
Panda 54
Rauru 53

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