Sunday, August 8, 2010

Definitely one of those games to forget ...

Well, halves to forget - that first half was pretty damn spectacular.

Following on from the email, we need some nominations for the weekly awards/mvps. Its a tough one, so suggestions needed! Here's my thoughts:

Gus's remarkable reverse header goal - pretty damn impressive, shouldn't have happened, gave us the early advantage.
Anything else?

Hmmm - anything?
- Perhaps my poacher's goal could sneak in - but I wasn't sure it was going over the line - honest!
- There was that great moment when all 22 players and the ref were yelling at Mike to get the ball from the next game, but he was hovering on the edge refusing to go on, even though the action was on the otherside of the field. Then we he finally did it one of the Nth Wellington players yelled 'Switch!'. Pretty funny, and the joke was on Mike.
- Didn't Tangihaere slip over but somehow the ball still managed to bounce off his head. That was also funny - but could be genius I don't know.
- Corey's handbags at dawn?

Paddy had a huge first half, at the heart of everything we did. I also reckon Corey and Jason did well especially in that first half with the extra demands of only playing 3 at the back.
And Robin - played the wide role well in that first half, giving us those backpost runs we have lacked - scored off one of them, and was continually stretching their D.
Other suggestions? Would be great to hear from those who ain't usually at our sessions and able to contribute to the voting. Email to me if thats easier.


Pepe said...

I think this is the point where I put my own name in the hat for Pony, before anyone else beats me to it. Any keeper that ships 4 in a half has gotta be asking for it. And besides, 2 (possible 3) of their goals were pretty soft...

Tangihaere said...

I'm afraid to say i second that nomination. Didn't the last goal go underneath you when you came out.

Stallion would be gus for the header - can't remember anything else that stood out.

MVP's - very hard as it was definitely a game of two halves. Trying to remember who maintained standards into the second half - probably Paddy, Aaron and....

Gustona said...

I have to agree that Paddy deserves the three points. Great game from a fired up Corey 2 points, and I would give a point to Robin for a well taken goal and being out there - first half at least. Having said that both Tangi and Jason should be in the mix for a point or two for a great performance under the pressure of having three at the back.

For the second half we all deserve pony. And Reuban Thorne. And for a number of cartoon-running-on-the spot-in-the-mud-legs-a-blur.

As I have said I missed the headed goal as my eyes closed. Didn't seem stallion worthy, I was just happy to be on the paddock!

There -happy AAron? I've blogged - taking some vital time away from my release day. I could have been reading the herald, drinking coffee, or otherwise busily employed!

Rauru said...

Oh, Aaron surely has to be Pony!! I actually forgot about that! It was a dirty poachers goal that was (probably) going over the line, it was his first goal of the season, he pointed and laughed at me when he scored it, it is surely worse than Corey's goal and therefore lead candidate to win the Hodges Memorial Goal award, and also there was no celebration that has been much talked up. Yes, 4 goals in a half is never a good look for a keeper but the conditions were shocking, and Pony is usually a moment rather than a general 'you're crap' (not saying that you were crap Paul! There were some good defusing of crosses in there).

Yea, Paddy for 3 points, Rob 2 points for a well taken goal and good hussle down the line, dunno bout the 1.

005 said...

Some goals are just so good they need no celebrating - but then again, pointing and laughing at the guy you stole the goal off could be considered a celebration? I must say rauru, you were pretty nice about it (mainly because I think deep down you knew it wasn't going to make it over the line!). Fair enough, there was a touch of the Hodges about it (but at least i managed to stay onside right Paddy!)

R said...

I'm a team player Aaron, you should know that! And anyway, I have 37 or so goals tucked away already this season, so thought "Meh, what's one more when Aaron is so desperately wanting/needing one." I was disappointed not to see the much talked up celebration though. And as for the on-side... Well, let's just say it's a good thing technology hasn't been introduced yet...

purely belter said...

If your going to claim the Worst goal of the year Aaron at least let the punters vote for it and the 15 who've voted already have a think again ;)

005 said...

Oh, did I put it in the wrong poll? Nice to see someone voted for it!

purely belter said...


I have your #5 top give me $10,000,000 or i will ...

T said...

Just looking to the games ahead. It would be good to get a crushing victory against Elite this weekend and hope that Lower Hutt narrowly topple Nth Wellington. Then the following week we crush Lower Hutt and we'll finish top of the table.

Anything else and the results are out of our hands (which kind of already is if Nth Wellington win the rest of their games)

energy24.7 said...

Good stuff lads, I just need to get one public service announcement in...
I should finally get my long awaited debut on Te Whaea this week. We're playing Karori at 5:30pm on Saturday - I can't bloody wait!
(I'll probably get injured at training tonight now...)

StevieG said...

No need for a match report, just watch a tape of the 2005 Champions League final, we were AC Milan...

005 said...

Yep, fair call StevieG - but looking forward to the next one celebrating a big win. And good luck for the big return Nick.