Thursday, August 26, 2010

A giant-like performance (with long shorts)

Right, in absence of a match report, you will have to read Elite's here - including description of our 'giant' striker who scored the first goal with his shoulder. Giant? I think not.

Some funny shit did happen in that last game:
- Graham (feeling striker-like) ordering poor Spencer to go get the ball for a throw in. Just pointed and yelled, while blowing harder than the normal stallion.
- Tangihaere surging forward with a classic 'REFEREE!' Elite players just laughed, and one said 'Referee, I'm a diver!'
- After the final whistle Graham turning around and yelling 'Ref' thinking he was penalised.
- Rauru's little push and shove. How many times have we seen that this season, are we ever going to see anything more?
- Paddy constantly blaming the bobbling ground for his crap shots.
- Paddy runs to the wrong side to deliver a corner

Ok, Fantasy points:
Paul 3 (+60, +3 saves)
Joe 3 (+60, 1 bp)
Lloyd 10 (+60, 1 assist, 1 mf goal)
Paddy 5
Robin 12 (+60, 2 goals, 2mvps)
Graham 9 (+60, 1 assist, 3mvps)

Everyone else 2

Paddy 77
Rauru 60
Panda 56
Lloyd 55
Robin 50


T. said...

In my defense though i admit it was weak the oppo player did apologise for the "subtle" push. I've been thinking about timing of midfield headers all week

And Paddy ran to the wrong pitch not just the wrong corner.

R said...

Don't think too hard, you wont be playing there tomorrow ;)

005 said...

The thing I take the most from Elite's match report is their $1,765 fine tally. Imagine if we had that - hello too subsidising Auckland Trip to see the All Whites.

We can still win this right. Would depend on Elite beating Nth Wellington, us winning (of course) and overcoming the current goal differential of -3. Consider it done.