Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Just a heads up that the EoY function for the club is set for Saturday 4th September. We're probably still going to be playing that weekend, so there's no real excuse not to turn up. We'll have a team function as well in a few weeks time (lawn bowls or paintball are the two options being put forward) so we'll have to have a think about that too. Suggestions and possible dates welcome. I suggest Sat 11th Sept for something during the day followed by the Nix at the Stadium vs Sydney.


Greevis said...

11th sounds good to me! Although if we make the final I'd imagine it would be then? (Assuming no more rain)

R said...

Apparently the last weekend for footie is 4th. We've only got 3 more games anyway - two more in our pool, then one against the team in the same position in the other pool so if there is any more cancellations we wont get it finished (so I imagine they'll just crank the games through)