Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stallions vs Uni 4ths

No match report, but a few things I remember:

- Classic Stallions, roll into the ground 12.15 to find the 4ths in their imposing black away strip (we got to wear that, just once) practicing drills and looking mean.  Stallions scramble around looking for nets etc, Spencer shows up with the strip about 7 minutes before kickoff, and then leaves until after kickoff. No sign of Panda, all our ringins meeting each other for the first time.

- We put up a much better account of ourselves than last time playing these guys. Led by Dan & Greg at the back who carved up. 0-0 at halftime, but gave away a soft goal about 10 mins into second half. Taking ball out of from the back, Nick fires a poor pass that is intercepted, giving a 3 on 1 which they finish. One of those annoying ones - a mistake anyone could make, gave a chance and they finished it.

- Other memorable moments: Nick finding himself free in the goalbox, fires off a rocket but well saved ... Mike B playing the beautiful game, dribbles, cuts inside his man ... Greg doing a Heskey-like run through the middle, must have beaten 4/5 guys, an array of pinpoint & dangerous freekicks/corners - step aside Paddy, we have  a new deadball specialist, and he wears No.5 ... Mike's moustache.

- Stallion for Dan, Pony for Nick, pub chat decides that there is no point awarding mvp points to star ringins, so they go 3 = Aaron, 2 = Lloyd, 1 = Joe.

- Another low scoring fantasy round, 2 for everybody, except: Paul 3 (+60 mins, 3 saves), Aaron, Lloyd & Joe.

- Special thanks to Logan for reffing the first half in exchange for a 20 minute blat (and escape from the tupperware party), Joe for reffing the second half (especially after playing a huge first half) & Corey for showing up but not getting a game.

That's about it - bring on the Raiders, I reckon we are still looking goos for 2nd and a cup victory!

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