Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday Night Lights

And so the countdown starts for the big game at Te Whaea under lights. It's a game that has brought a whole lot of people out of the woodwork. Former Stallions Ben Hodges and Nick Goodall have begged for a return to the mighty team, and team manager Rafa Walker even received the following email from the club:

"Graham Essel from the men's firsts just texted me - he is super-keen for a game on the turf and wonders if you need a spare player tomorrow night"

The mighty Stallions however do not just throw their sacred shirt on anyones back, so a swift "Thanks, but no thanks (i.e. Piss off!)" was issued, to which Essel replied

"All good mate, I will be there to watch so thought I'd put my hand up"

Looks like there might need to be some temporary seating installed, it looks like a sell out.


StevieG said...

You might need to do a Goodall and write down how the subs will go. eg: who comes on when and for who??

energy24.7 said...

I am so fucken jealous it's not funny. Hopefully I'll ref and then we'll see who's laughing!

005 said...

Hell yeah, this is going to be epic! Kinda agree with Jason about a plan, remember how chaotic that last game against the Magpies was last season when the whole team showed up. This is all even assuming they allow us to have 5 subs. They better.

Classic about the first player. Jason what are the odds on half the Stallions going down, and Goodall, Ben H and this guy getting a run?

StevieG said...

100,000,000 - 1

Sound like the pre-sales have gone through the roof. If you were going to score, this would be the game to do it in!!

Get fired up boys!!

005 said...

Thats the plan. I've got my face printed on the inside of my shirt Dutch styles in anticipation.

purely belter said...

We should do a bbq, sell some sausages in bread we'd make a killing.

energy24.7 said...

I know this is dredging up an old topic, and I don't even know if anyone will notice it, but I'm finally going to get to play on Te Whaea. We're down to play there MONDAY 5 July. (As long as I make the team of course!)
Can't wait!