Friday, June 11, 2010

Capital Football cancellations GAME STILL ON...

Same time same place ...


The following grades are CANCELLED:
Capital 1, 2, 9, 16, Masters 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Uni Stallions __ University 4th XI __ Kelburn (12.30);
SV Killer Bees __ Lower Hutt City __ Delaney 2 (12.30);
Wgtn United Elite __ Nth Wgtn Varsity __ MacAlister 1 (2.30) NOW Newtown;
Uni Raiders __ Marist Cobras __ Nairnville 1 (12.30) NOW Miramar 1;


danp said...

Good effort today guys, especially with so many away. Honorable mention to Paul, for several good saves and close to the one they did get.

Disappointing to lose, but I think 1-0 did flatter us a bit. I reckon they were more dangerous first half but so were we.

The 4ths look serious about winning the league and are now well placed. Would be good to see a varsity team promoted - but rather it was the Stallions!

005 said...

Cheers Dan, and well played today.

Holy shit - we have dropped to 5th! We ain't been this low since the bad old days. Still got by far the best d in the league, but damn we need some wins.

Rauru said...

Haaaaaaaaaannng on. Stokes Valley 8-3 winners over Lower Hutt?! WTF?!?! And how the hell are Cobras in 3rd?!? This grade has just gone crazy!! Still only 3 points off 2nd though so still in with a chance of promotion. We need a good finish to the season though.