Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Stallions Fantasy Points vs Marist Cobras

Corey 3 (60+ min, 2 goals conceded, 2bp)
Tangihaere 1 (60+ min, 2 goals conceded)
Joe 1
Jason 1
Mike 1
Spencer 2 (60+ min)
Panda 2
Paddy 2 (unlucky not to get an assist for Tristin's first but there was other contact from the defenders first)
Lloyd 2
Logan 2
Graham 3 (60+ min, 1bp for how he combined with Corey and a puddle in the first half to deny what seemed a certain goal)
Tristin 13 (60+ min, 2 goals, 3bp)
Rauru 2

So no assists for either goal as they both came from defenders touches from memory. It was all the Tristin show as far as points go. Good to see his name back on the score card - should make the golden boot race interesting (massive fines if you hog it from now on though and pull a Drogba). A bit shameful that just over halfway through the season the top goal scorer has 4! But then maybe it says something for the all-round team effort (rather than the crap balls in to the lazy strikers ;) ).

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