Sunday, August 31, 2008

U.S 0 v 3 Olympic Mcalister pk 12.30 30.08.08

A few mid season acquisitions made by Olympic could be the reason they have made some good progress up the table of late,those additions were to be the difference on the field for them as well. As Olympic ran away with a flattering 3-0 win, in what appears to be the last game of the season.

The Stallions though can't be held blameless in what would go on to be possibly the worst display of the season,the Stallions would ship 3 goals.
Three pretty shite goals by any ones standards.

One of the new Olympic additions in the midfield helped create the first goal, setting up another Olympic player clearly 1.5 metres offside,with a through ball which split the central defence and was dispatched past Jamie (having his first start as keeper for the season) 1-0 after 6 or so minutes

When you chip the keeper from from the 6 yard line Aaron Lister,you'd think your team mates would be a little more forth coming in congratulating you,that is unless of course you chip your own keeper, as is the case in this goal the 2nd.

Aaron had come on as a sub and after two minutes and two touches of the football helped put us 2-0 down after less than 20 of those unlucky, as your running back the ball hits you and it goes into the back of the net jobbies, simply dumb luck.

Aaron however was looking for a hole to swallow him up, when that never came, he feigned a blood injury and left the field holding his nose like the Niagara falls was flowing out of it.
However stemming the non existent blood flow quickly enabled him to retake the field.

Maybe the sight of people drinking beer on the sideline @12.30 in rather fine weather had most of the team thinking of the celebratory drinks after the game as opposed to the game at hand.
because the football didn't get much better,giving Olympic way to much time on the ball, our first touches turning too poo and allowing balls to bounce on free headers it was making it all to easy for the opposition to hold onto the most flattering of leads.

Not much changed after halftime Brooks and Jamie swapped places with the lethargy from the first half continuing in the second.
There were some nice moments of football,moments of individual brilliance from players,but the game was well gone.

The big scare of the 2nd half was when Jamie went down,an innocuous challenge had Jamie fall to the ground in a screaming heap with fears he had dislocated his knee,a call was made to ring an ambulance, but thankfully, this was not required, Jamie would play no further part in the game however.

The third goal for Olympic came from a counter attack that left some of our defence for dead,we'd all pushed up trying to get at least one goal, but we were left short at the back and a cross from the right corner of the 18 yard box found the back of the net instead of an Olympic player, it's not how their scored I guess.

So all in all not the best way to sign off on a relatively good season for the Stallions.
With so much of the season lost too rain, it will be a long summer waiting for the start next season.

Stallions : Jamie(gk)Graham,Nick G,Brooks,Mike,Joe,Paddy,Panda,Nick W,Rob,Gus.
Subs : Aaron,Spencer,Jason.

Goals: Olympic 6mins,17mins & 78mins

for those dual Stallions playing Cricket this year, good luck


energy24.7 said...

Yep, pretty well put mate.

Got a text from Jamie before and he has in fact dislocated his knee. So at least all his carry on wasn't a complete crock!

Shit it was a disappointing way to end the season, let's hope we show better form, next week at the bowls club! (Which has been changed to Kilbirnie Bowl Club due to Mt Vic's greens being flooded)

005 said...

Not that bitter a review from someone who loves the Stallions, the Phoenix and Everton - that was a lot of crap football to watch in 1 day Corey - good work. And thanks for the match reports throughout the season, good stuff.

And Jamie, man, I'm sure all the Stallions feel for you - that's one tough season.

005 said...

Damn you Corey, thought I was being witty about the teams you support until I saw your post in the yf forums.

energy24.7 said...

Lister, do you think your deft chip own goal needs to be added to the pony of the year poll?

005 said...

Only if it also gets added to the goals scored column! I'm now tied with Hodges!

Let's face it Nick - a game pony moment for sure, but you are clearly trying to clear your own arse here - as bad as your missed penalty or rugby tackle in the box? I know what atrocity i would rather commit ...

By the way where were you and the other central defender, and those wide defenders supposed to be covering - when i ended up having to be the last man running back a meter from the line. And why the hell didn't Jamie come out? And why didn't the midfielders held possession, and why hadn't out strikers put us 3-0 up by the stage? In classic Stallions style - I'm claiming it was everybody else's fault!

I'm just sorry that Hodges wasn't there to join in the post-oggie festivities. Ben, do you recall that moment midway through the wedding ceremony when a smile broke across your face for no apparent reason. Yep that was it ...

005 said...

I also know Nick's motive here - he is a little worried about season pony. Its fair to say that Nick and I have featured in most of the year's pony moments. And we are tied on 3 ponies each. Since he's captain and decides who gets what its pretty inevitable where its going - and i'm happy with that - always keen to be on the highlights reel for one reason or another - not just for my stunning goals (which of course Nick can't say).

But I would say that we have both had pretty good seasons - let's just float this - is Jamie the real pony? Nick and I committed many pony-worthy acts, but at least we played most of the season. We didn't go down in a ball of shoulder dislocations before the first game, have the indignity of watching Ben B take our position as number 1 keeper, and then come back and break down with another injury in the last game of the season which might screw up half of our summer.

I might just be protecting my arse here - but I would much rather miss a penalty or 2, score an oggie, injure jamie or tackle someone rugby-styles.

Jamie for pony!

energy24.7 said...

Blah blah blah blah.

Man you can go on Lister.

Jamie for pony aye? Hmmmm, he has been crap...

005 said...

Count yourself lucky - other people pay top dollar to read my ramblings.