Thursday, August 28, 2008

Saturday vs. Olympic @ McAlister 1, 12:30pm

What a great feeling to finally get out on the football field last weekend aye? Nice to rack up a win too, even if it wasn't all that convincing ;)

Some good stuff on display though, it was nice to have pretty good conditions to get back to the Stallions style from earlier in the season. Let's hope the rain from this week is finished and we get to play again this weekend.

We are at McAlister Park for the early game @ 12:30pm. Taking on those annoying little Olympic kids and we know they usually get better as the season goes on (they've probably been training the last few months while we've been sitting on the couch) so it won't be another 10 goal hiding like the first round. Play the football we know and be aggressive and that should do the business.

Unfortunately, hat-trick hero from last week (on his birthday no less), Tristin is out this week (unless we really need him) and so is Hodges. It means we still need one more person to sit out and I am a little sceptical of Graham's tactics last week.

This is how it unfolded:
As you all know we had basically everyone available and rearing to go last week so it was inevitable someone was going to be 'rested'. During the week I had a few people let me know that they would be away the week after so it would be nice if they could play this week.
One of these people was Graham. But then…
On Saturday after the game, Graham gives me the old - "oh don't worry I am in for next weekend it's the week after I'm away."
Now the question has to be asked - an honest mistake? Or something more deviant? Let's see if Graham fronts up with an 'excuse'.

Otherwise someone may receive the dreaded text tomorrow night and it will be completely random as I have no other honest way to select.

I will not be going to KP to pick anyone up so if you are coming from the North can you please swing by to make sure the boys aren't left stranded. They'll be there from 11:40am.
And I'll see you all at McAlister at Midday.

PS. Mike bring the Pony, Gus the headband, and Brooks the Stallion
Also if anyone hasn't brought beers this season, please bring a doz or so on Saturday.

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