Friday, August 8, 2008


Here is the new pool at Memorial Park - right next to where we are scheduled to be ummm playing tomorrow. Good chance!

Meanwhile - heres a poll on Yellow Fever - should the 2008 season be canned now and save us all the weekly agony? My answer - HELL NO. Any playing time from now on should be treated like gold. Then again, as it stands I am 4th top goal scorer ...


Paddy said...

I am sick of this godamn shitty crap rain! I say Goodall owes us all a refund for any games that are canned - we need someone to blame.

purely belter said...

yeah now he works at a bank we should charge him a $25.00 default fee for every game we miss due too the weather conditions,plus we should back date it to the beginning of the season !

energy24.7 said...

Haha, funny guys.

Aaaaand swimming is off for tomorrow