Thursday, August 7, 2008

Saturday vs. Petone Stewsmum @ Sladden, 2:30pm

Well it's looking a lot more promising for football this weekend with the sun out the last couple of days but it'll no doubt pack it all in just enough for us to be cancelled again.

If not we are out at Petone, on the Sladden ground which is the pitch over the bank next to the Memorial Park we played on earlier in the year (with duck crap all over the pitch).
Who knows what Sladden is like, but I'm betting it'll be pretty bad - wet and 'crappy' - so here's hoping we get transferred. When are we going to get our game on KP is what I wanna know!

Again, as far as I know we have a full squad to pick from and to be honest I am keen as anything to play (especially after seeing the Phoenix back in action last night!) so might just take Hodges suggestion that I don't have to sit out seeing as I organise. Cheeky? Yes. Fair? Maybe not. Happening? Yep!

So we need (at least) 3 people to take a(nother) week off. There is never going to be any fair way of selecting and I have thought of plenty of possibilities.
  • Reward those who contribute most off the field, seeing as we are a social team.
  • Reward those who have been in the Stallions the longest (last in first out logic)
  • Try to get everyone value for money so those paying more subs or playing less games will play
  • Pick our best team (oooo controversial…)
  • Reward those who come to training (hmmm what training some of you say?)
  • Random
  • Make up a quiz to select the team based on results (or use previous tipping competitions results - no entry means 0 points)
  • Make up a scoring system of how much everyone 'needs' to play based on their love for the game
  • Make up a scoring system of how many brownie points each person would gain for spending more time with their partner/family (ie. The singles have only football to look forward to in the weekends)
And buggered if I know what the answer is so like the great procrastinator I am, I'm going to delay the decision as long as possible to give everyone the opportunity to take any decision making out of the equation.

So further communication to come (if you've been 'dropped' I might adopt Graham Henry's controversial communication method of texting), but otherwise be at KP at 1:40pm or the ground at 2pm.


1 comment:

purely belter said...

apparently this was sent to all clubs regarding games for this weekend...

Not looking good for this weekend either in Wellington...

From Capital Football

Hello all Clubs

With the sun shining I just want to make sure that everyone has realistic expectations ahead of this weekend. It's fantastic to get some fine weather but the grounds are still very very wet. We met with all the local councils yesterday and the situation is pretty much the same in Wellington, Hutt Valley and Porirua. The water table is very high and should this fine weather continue through to the weekend even the better grounds will probably only handle a game or two each. That's the optimistic scenario - the forecast is for more rain on Friday so we could even be back to last weekend's situation whereby only a handful of games were played.

The priority for this weekend is to try and find some game time for those worst hit by the cancellations this year - that means juniors, especially the 12-17 age groups in the Combined (Wellington/Western Zone) grades. We'll also look to play Hutt Valley juniors and King Toyota Super 6s if the grounds are good enough. Priority will continue to be given of course to Central League, Champs Premier League and Capital 1 and 2 as well.

What that means is that there is very unlikely to be much, if any, senior football this weekend from Capital 3 down. Women's football on Sunday is also under threat but we'll try to at least give some priority to the Premier League. Giving priority to junior football this weekend means that we'll swing the priority back to senior football the following week, regardless of how this weekend goes. We'll reassess the situation again after the next two weekends.

We are hoping to play a lot of junior football this weekend for 11th grade and younger (i.e. not played on full-sized fields) but the big factor here will be how much rain we get on Friday.

That's the latest thinking. There aren't too many good options left at this stage of the season so we're sorry if this scenario doesn't work well for you.

For those of you lucky enough to actually play this weekend could we ask that you be particularly careful with where you warm up. In any conditions it's a good habit to warm up away from the pitch itself, and even more so with conditions as they are. Not all grounds have room away from the pitch but please do your best to protect the grounds as best we can. Thanks.

Still on grounds - we're holding a meeting here at Capital Football, with the assistance of some of the local football community, to discuss and consider a long-term strategy to address our grounds situation. More details will follow today or tomorrow but please mark your diaries for 7.00 pm next Wednesday (13 August).

Another one for the diary with details to follow - NZ Football is embarking upon something of a road show largely to present the new draft Strategic Plan for Football in NZ. This will be a very important opportunity to hear the proposed plan and have input to it before it's finalised. Again, please mark your diaries for Monday 25 August; again 7.00 pm here at Capital Football in Petone.


Keith Palmer